Dear all,
Thank you Alison for all your work on our wave proposal, and thanks for
postponing the table update.
I agree with all of your suggestions, for updated definitions and new
On 16/03/2017 16:57, alison.pamment at wrote:
> Dear Stephane,
> Thanks for getting back to me. I agree it would be useful if Elodie
> can review the names. As these are the only ones currently marked as
> ?Accepted? I will postpone the update for a few days. (This will also
> give me time to queue up some more names for publication).
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------
> Alison Pamment
> Tel: +44 1235 778065
> Centre for Environmental Data Analysis Email:
> alison.pamment at <mailto:J.A.Pamment at>
> STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> R25, 2.22
> Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
> *From:*Stephane TAROT [mailto:Stephane.Tarot at]
> *Sent:* 14 March 2017 09:49
> *To:* Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP); rkl at;
> elodie.fernandez at; cf-metadata at
> *Cc:* mar at
> *Subject:* Re: Wave periods sub-proposal
> Dear Alison,
> Thank you for your work on these wave parameters.
> >From my point of view, your proposal is fine. But I also would like
> to have the feedback from Elodie on them. Unfortunately, she's on
> vacation at the moment. I tried to check with other people from
> Mercator but they said she is the key person on this subject. She'll
> be back next monday (20th) which is also the date you mentioned for
> the next CF list update.
> I know I rushed you on this subject last week, but is it now possible
> to slow down a little, and to postpone the update for 1 or 2 days, in
> order to have her feedback before ?
> Best regards
> St?phane Tarot
> Le 13/03/2017 ? 15:19, alison.pamment at
> <mailto:alison.pamment at> a ?crit :
> Dear Roy,
> Thank you for getting back to me about the two sets of wave names.
> I?m pleased to hear they look okay! I will wait a few days to see
> if anyone wishes to comment further, but unless I receive any
> objections during the next week my intention is to accept all the
> remaining wave names and include them in the next update.
> Improved definitions (provided they are corrections/clarifications
> and don?t change the intended meaning of the names) are always
> welcome. Thank you to you and all those who have contributed so
> far to improving and standardising the wave names.
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------
> Alison Pamment
> Tel: +44 1235 778065
> Centre for Environmental Data Analysis Email:
> alison.pamment at <mailto:J.A.Pamment at>
> STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> R25, 2.22
> Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
> *From:*Lowry, Roy K. [mailto:rkl at]
> *Sent:* 12 March 2017 15:38
> *To:* Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP);
> elodie.fernandez at
> <mailto:elodie.fernandez at>;
> Stephane.Tarot at <mailto:Stephane.Tarot at>;
> cf-metadata at <mailto:cf-metadata at>
> *Cc:* mar at <mailto:mar at>
> *Subject:* Re: Wave periods sub-proposal
> Dear Alison,
> I've now looked at your suggestions for this sub-proposal and find
> them all acceptable.
> There is an action on me to consult with wave experts to see if
> improved definitions for the wave types (e.g. wind and swell) can
> be prepared once the work on Elodie's proposals is complete.
> Cheers, Roy.
> Please note that I partially retired on 01/11/2015. I am now only
> working 7.5 hours a week and can only guarantee e-mail response on
> Wednesdays, my day in the office. All vocabulary queries should be
> sent to enquiries at <mailto:enquiries at>. Please
> also use this e-mail if your requirement is urgent.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*alison.pamment at
> <mailto:alison.pamment at> <alison.pamment at
> <mailto:alison.pamment at>>
> *Sent:* 11 March 2017 12:49
> *To:* Lowry, Roy K.; elodie.fernandez at
> <mailto:elodie.fernandez at>;
> Stephane.Tarot at <mailto:Stephane.Tarot at>;
> cf-metadata at <mailto:cf-metadata at>
> *Cc:* mar at <mailto:mar at>
> *Subject:* RE: Wave periods sub-proposal
> Dear Roy, Elodie, Stephane, et al,
> My detailed comments on the wave period sub-proposal names are
> given below. I have accepted the three proposals for new aliases
> with very minor tweaks to the definitions. I have also accepted
> several of the proposed new names. Please could you check the
> definitions of the last two new names - if you are happy with them
> then these names can also be accepted.
> As with the wave direction, energy and steepness names any changes
> agreed by 20th March will be included in the next standard name
> table update.
> A summary of all the wave names currently accepted (and not yet
> published) or still under discussion can be found at:
> ---
> > All wave periods have Canonical Units of seconds.
> >
> >
> > Existing Standard Name Changes
> >
> > Justification for change:
> >
> > The classical Tucker-Draper analysis specifies multiple wave
> period statistics such as zero-upcrossing period (Tz) and crest
> period (Tc) and the protocols used could cause
> > these to differ. However, wave theory states that period of a
> waveform should be uniform for all reference points on the
> waveform and so the possibility of variation
> > should be considered an artefact and the geophysical variable
> should simply be wave period. The long name can be used if
> required to specify the waveform reference
> > and measurement protocol used, as proposed for wave height
> Standard Names.
> >
> > 1. sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. The zero upcrossing period is defined as the time
> interval between consecutive occasions on which the
> > surface height passes upward above the mean level.
> >
> > Replace this by:
> > sea_surface_wave_mean_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration.
> This proposed alias looks fine and, as with the existing wave
> height names, I think it is a sensible approach to use the long
> name to indicate the precise method by which the data values were
> obtained. The proposed definition seems general enough to cover
> all eventualities. In the last sentence "average period" should
> say "mean period" (consistent with the wave height names).
> This alias is accepted for inclusion in the standard name table.
> > 2. sea_surface_wind_wave_zero_upcrossing_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. The zero upcrossing period is defined as the time
> interval between consecutive occasions on which the
> > surface height passes upward above the mean level. Wind waves
> are waves on the ocean surface. Wind is defined as a
> two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector,
> > with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere
> has the standard name upward_air_velocity.)
> >
> > Replace this by:
> > sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration. Wind
> waves are the high frequency portion
> > of a bimodal wave frequency distribution.
> As with proposal 1, in the penultimate sentence of the definition
> "average period" should be replaced by "mean period" (consistent
> with the wave height names). Otherwise this looks fine.
> This alias is accepted for inclusion in the standard name table.
> > 3. sea_surface_swell_wave_zero_upcrossing_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. The zero upcrossing period is defined as the time
> interval between consecutive occasions on which the
> > surface height passes upward above the mean level. Swell waves
> are waves on the ocean surface.
> >
> > Replace this by:
> > sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration. Swell
> waves are the low frequency portion
> > of a bimodal wave frequency distribution.
> As with proposal 1, in the penultimate sentence of the definition
> "average period" should be replaced by "mean period" (consistent
> with the wave height names). Otherwise this looks fine.
> This alias is accepted for inclusion in the standard name table.
> ---
> > Additional Standard Names for Copernicus Proposal
> >
> > 1. sea_surface_wave_significant_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Significant wave
> period is a statistic computed from wave measurements and
> corresponds to the average wave period of the
> > highest one third of the waves.
> Units of s is fine and the proposed name is consistent with the
> existing name sea_surface_wave_significant_height.
> For consistency with the accepted aliases and existing wave height
> names "average period" in the definition should be replaced by
> "mean period". Taking account of Nan's suggestion to change the
> order of the sentences in the definition we would then have:
> 'Significant wave period is a statistic computed from wave
> measurements and corresponds to the mean wave period of the
> highest one third of the waves. A period is an interval of time,
> or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval
> of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests,
> troughs or upward passes through the mean level.'
> With these cosmetic changes this new name is accepted for
> publication in the standard name table.
> > 2. sea_surface_wave_mean_period_of_highest_tenth
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration. Mean
> period of the highest tenth is the
> > average period of the highest one-tenth of the waves during the
> observation duration.
> Units of s is fine. The proposed name and definition are
> consistent with the existing name
> sea_surface_wave_mean_height_of_highest_tenth.
> Again, replacing "average period" with "mean period" and changing
> the order of sentences in the definition we would have:
> 'Wave mean period is the mean period measured over the observation
> duration. Mean period of the highest tenth is the mean period of
> the highest one-tenth of the waves during the observation
> duration. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of
> an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between
> repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or
> upward passes through the mean level.'
> With these cosmetic changes this new name is accepted for
> publication in the standard name table.
> > 3. sea_surface_wave_maximum_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. The maximum period is
> the longest wave period measured during the observation period.
> Units of s is fine. The proposal is consistent with existing wave
> maximum height/depth names.
> Changing the order of the sentences in the definition as suggested
> by Nan we would have:
> 'The maximum wave period is the longest wave period measured
> during the observation period. A period is an interval of time, or
> the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of
> time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests,
> troughs or upward passes through the mean level.'
> With this cosmetic change this new name is accepted for
> publication in the standard name table.
> > 4. sea_surface_wave_period_of_highest_wave
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave period of the
> highest wave is the period determined from wave crests
> corresponding to the greatest vertical distance
> > above mean level during the observation period.
> Units of s is fine. The name itself looks fine.
> Changing the order of the sentences in the definition as suggested
> by Nan we would have:
> 'Wave period of the highest wave is the period determined from
> wave crests corresponding to the greatest vertical distance above
> mean level during the observation period. A period is an interval
> of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the
> interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as
> crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level.'
> With this cosmetic change this new name is accepted for
> publication in the standard name table.
> > 5. sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_mean_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration. The
> primary swell wave is the most
> > energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave
> frequency distribution.
> Units of s is fine. The proposed name is consistent with the
> syntax of existing names and proposed wave direction names.
> Changing the order of the sentences in the definition as suggested
> by Nan, replacing "average period" with "mean period", and making
> the wording consistent with the proposed name
> sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_from_direction, the definition can
> be written as follows:
> 'The quantity with standard name
> sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_mean_period is the mean period of
> the most energetic swell waves. Swell waves are waves on the ocean
> surface and are in the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave
> frequency spectrum. The primary swell wave is the most energetic
> swell wave. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of
> an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between
> repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or
> upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is the
> average period measured over the observation duration.
> OK?
> > 6. sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_mean_period
> > A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an
> oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated
> features on the waveform such as crests, troughs
> > or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is
> the average period measured over the observation duration. The
> secondary swell wave is the second
> > most energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a bimodal
> wave frequency distribution.
> Units of s is fine. The proposed name is consistent with the
> syntax of existing names and proposed wave direction names.
> Changing the order of the sentences in the definition as suggested
> by Nan, replacing "average period" with "mean period", and making
> the wording consistent with the proposed name
> sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_from_direction, the definition
> can be written as follows:
> 'The quantity with standard name
> sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_mean_period is the mean period of
> the second most energetic swell waves. Swell waves are waves on
> the ocean surface and are in the low frequency portion of a
> bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The secondary swell wave is the
> second most energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a
> bimodal wave frequency spectrum. A period is an interval of time,
> or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval
> of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests,
> troughs or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period
> is the average period measured over the observation duration.'
> OK?
> ---
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------
> Alison
> Pamment Tel:
> +44 1235 778065
> Centre for Environmental Data Analysis Email:
> alison.pamment at <mailto:alison.pamment at>
> STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> R25, 2.22
> Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
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