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[CF-metadata] Proposal: Add QARTOD quality flag names to standard name list

From: Jessica Austin <jessica>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 17:22:56 -0900

Hello all,

We are proposing adding QARTOD quality flag names to the standard name
list. Adding these flags allows us to define exactly which dataset variable
represents the results of a particular QARTOD test for a particular data
variable. This is related to the recently added quality_flag standard name,
but is more specific to QARTOD.

*Note:* We were originally trying to achieve this with a flag_methods
variable attribute but decided to try the standard_name approach instead.
More background: #205

A full write-up and list of names is in the Github issue, so please comment
there: https://github.com/cf-convention/cf-conventions/issues/216

We look forward to your feedback!


Jessica Austin
Sr. Software Developer
Axiom Data Science <https://axiomdatascience.com/>
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