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[CF-metadata] Another CF complaince checker -- from IOOS --- with some issues

From: John Graybeal <jbgraybeal>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 19:25:06 -0700

Agree with the overall thread. Having well-documented examples in either sense is a great step.

The examples on the NOAA site (sorry, imprecise reference without my computer handy) showing how to structure and document different kinds of marine observations might be a good start for such a collection.

Crowd-sourcing other submissions might be a nice way to build a very useful resource.


> On Jul 21, 2017, at 14:49, Chris Barker <chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 6:45 AM, Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk> wrote:
>> perhaps it would be possible for
>> us to maintain a netCDF file containing an example of every possible
>> violation of a requirement or recommendation in the CF conformance document,
> Without thinking it through, I suspect that it is literally impossible to put it all in one file -- aren't there examples of "do it this way OR that way", and "fi this, then do that", that you couldn't have data that both does and doesn't conform in one file.
> So a set of files would be the way to go -- and would be easier to manage as well.
> Also, expecting that we could have a COMPLETE test set is a bit of a fantasy.
> However, a most-cases test set of files would be really useful.
> I think the "trick" would be to establish a data structure that maps a particular file with a set of what parts of CF are violated, and what recommendations are violated.
> The CF-checkers could then check what they find against that data. And it would be easy to simply update a file and/or drop a new one into the set and the checker would update its tests.
> A glance at the Python cf-checker code looks like there's a lot of test fies already in there,
> https://github.com/cedadev/cf-checker/tree/master/test_files
> though it looks to me (at a really quick glance) like the accompanying "check" files are output from cf-checker -- so maybe not a good way to specify what cf-checker SHOULD return.
> And if anyone wants to write a cf-checker in another language, it would be nice to have the "errors" specified in a simple to read file format (JSON?)
>> and maybe an example of everything which is described as legal e.g. all the
>> actual examples in the conventions document, and some more.
> again, hard to put in one file :-) -- but yes, a good set of "perfect" files would be good, too.
> -CHB
> --
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
> Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
> Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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