Hi Randy,
Great, I'll add you to the list of folks planning to join remotely.
Yes, there is a lot in that tech memo. An overview/introduction sounds very
Thanks for the information on the ISO work dealing with space weather. I've
had some conversations with others interested in this work. I'll send a
separate email shortly with more on that.
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Randy Horne <rhorne at excaliburlabs.com>
> Ethan:
> I would very much appreciate participating remotely when the discussions
> of space weather products came up.
> I am already a member of cf_satellite so no issue.
> The problem with my tech memo is there is SO MUCH THERE. Discussions on
> the message board usually attack one ?construct? at a time. It will be
> overwhelming without an overarching introduction (which I would be glad to
> do).
> Note that I have had a quick email exchange with *W. Kent Tobiska (**"W.
> Kent Tobiska" <ktobiska at spacenvironment.net
> <ktobiska at spacenvironment.net>>) **who is a top authority on space
> weather in general, but I don?t think he is plugged into netCDF/cf. I
> think he has been laying the groundwork/foundation for many types of level
> 2 and level 3 space weather products and using ISO as a means
> to standardize. The ASCII product files that his efforts generate are
> self-describing, but they are not done in a standards-based way like CF
> requires, and he is not using netCDF. ** I have attached an ISO working
> draft of the kind of work he is doing. I suspect it would be a **formidable
> activity to get everybody on the same page.*
> *I wish I could spend more time on it, but I have got to pay the bills. *
> Thanks !
> randy
> _____________________________________
> Randy C Horne (rhorne at excaliburlabs.com)
> Principal Engineer, Excalibur Laboratories Inc.
> voice & fax: (321) 952.5100
> cell: (321) 693.1074
> url: http://www.excaliburlabs.com
> On Mar 30, 2016, at 3:29 PM, Ethan Davis <edavis at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> Sorry you won't be able to join us in May.
> Thanks for the GOES-R / CF document! I'm sure it will be a good resource
> in discussions about CF and satellite data. The project folks focused on
> satellite data are planning to use the existing
> cf-satellite at unidata.ucar.edu email list [1] to make sure the broader
> community can easily get involved in that conversation.
> Also, we will have some form of remote participation available. Let me
> know if you want to participate in any parts of the meeting that way.
> Cheers,
> Ethan
> [1] http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/index.html#mailinglists
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 5:50 AM, Randy Horne <rhorne at excaliburlabs.com>
> wrote:
>> Ethan:
>> RE:
>> - Adding features to better support satellite data
>> See attached white paper for how to extend CF conventions for GOES-R
>> level 1b space weather data. These conventions will work for polar
>> orbiting satellite level 1b space weather data also. Level 2 space weather
>> products ill require additional constructs,
>> Business has been lousy. Otherwise, I would love to come !
>> very respectfully,
>> randy
>> On Mar 28, 2016, at 12:24 AM, Ethan Davis <edavis at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As some of you have heard, we are holding a meeting to discuss current
>> and future netCDF-CF efforts and directions. The meeting will be held on
>> 24-26 May 2016 in Boulder, CO, USA at the UCAR Center Green facility.
>> This meeting is organized by the ?Advancing netCDF-CF for Geoscience?
>> project [1] which has been funded by the US NSF EarthCube program. The
>> project goals include several specific CF development efforts, both
>> standards development and software prototyping. (We are just starting to
>> spin-up community conversations around these specific goals for drafting CF
>> extensions.) Another aspect of the funded project is community engagement
>> including with the existing CF community, geoscience domains that have not
>> been very involved in CF, and other standards bodies (e.g., OGC). These and
>> other topics are on the current list of possible agenda items. Please let
>> us know if you have other agenda items in mind.
>> The current list of possible agenda items includes:
>> - Investigate using features of the netCDF enhanced data model to
>> improve/simplify the CF Discrete Sampling Geometries (which includes point,
>> sounding, and trajectory data types)
>> - Drafting a CF enhancement that would add support for complex data
>> footprints (e.g., river segments and drainage basins)
>> - Further develop the CFRadial proposal for representing Radar data
>> - Adding features to better support satellite data
>> - Adding CF support for hierarchical groups for organizing data and
>> metadata
>> - Enhancing CF to support Linked Data / semantic technology concepts
>> - Harmonizing CF grid mapping with OGC CRS (coordinate reference
>> systems), possibly with WKT
>> - Adding CF support for attribute namespaces and the use of URI
>> prefixes in attribute values
>> - Improved support for dimensionless data variables, logarithmic
>> scales, differences, etc.
>> While we wish we could host all those interested in attending, given the
>> available meeting space and the number of project participants, we are
>> asking members of the CF community that are interested in attending to
>> contact us directly and let us know which aspects of CF are of interest to
>> you and your goals for the meeting. Please submit your expressions of
>> interest by Monday, 4 April 2016. We plan to invite participants by Friday,
>> 8 April 2016.
>> Travel and other information will be on the meeting page [2] later this
>> week.
>> Also, for anyone attending EGU in Vienna in April, we will have a
>> splinter meeting (SMP32) to discuss netCDF-CF. The splinter meeting will be
>> held on Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 15:30 in room 2.96.
>> Thank you,
>> Meeting Organizers
>> Ethan Davis, UCAR Unidata
>> Charlie Zender, Univ of CA, Irvine
>> David Arctur, Univ of TX, Austin
>> Dave Santek, Univ of WI, Madison / SSEC
>> Kevin O?Brien, Univ of WA/JISAO and NOAA/PMEL
>> Aleksandar Jelenak, The HDF Group
>> Mike Dixon, NCAR/EOL
>> [1] http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1541031
>> [2] http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2016CFWorkshop/
>> _______________________________________________
>> CF-metadata mailing list
>> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
>> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
>> _____________________________________
>> Randy C Horne (rhorne at excaliburlabs.com)
>> Principal Engineer, Excalibur Laboratories Inc.
>> voice & fax: (321) 952.5100
>> cell: (321) 693.1074
>> url: http://www.excaliburlabs.com
> _____________________________________
> Randy C Horne (rhorne at excaliburlabs.com)
> Principal Engineer, Excalibur Laboratories Inc.
> voice & fax: (321) 952.5100
> cell: (321) 693.1074
> url: http://www.excaliburlabs.com
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