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[CF-metadata] standard names for sea ice with qualifier

From: Knut Arild Lisæter <knut.liseter>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 14:24:53 +0200

Dear all,

as stated in the general guidelines for the construction of standard
names, a quantity is assumed to apply to the whole area of a
horizontal grid box. Sea-ice usually covers just a part of a grid
cell, so a variable with the standard name "sea_ice_thickness" would
actually describe the average sea-ice thickness in a grid cell. Or,
if c_i is the fraction of a grid cell and h_i is the thickness of
sea-ice, then a variable with standard name sea_ice_thickness would be

c_i * h_i

At least, thats how I interpret the general guidelines. In many
cases, we are interested in the quantity h_i, a standard name for
that would be sea_ice_thickness_where_sea_ice. I would like to
propose this and some other names with the qualifier
"where_sea_ice", which only applies to the fraction of the surface
covered by sea-ice. The names I would like to suggest are


The velocities with units of m/s, the thickness with units of m.

Best Regards,
Knut A. Lis?ter

Knut Lis?ter
Mohn-Sverdrup Center / NERSC
Thormoehlensgate 47
N-5006 Bergen
http://msc.nersc.no  http://topaz.nersc.no
Received on Wed Jul 04 2007 - 06:24:53 BST

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