Dear Jonathan and Roy,
Voila a number of detailed comment on your recent discussion.
Please find Version 4 of the new chemistry and aerosol names at
- expressing X_expressed_as_Y is a very good idea, including
X_expressed_as_such. I have changed the names accordingly.
- mass_flux_of_mercury
changed to:
- mass_flux_of_non_methane_volatile_organic_compounds
I have added _expressed_as_carbon
- Of course mole_fractions do not need as_such!
I have correct this in the table.
- optical depth: ambient
X_aerosol_ambient_optical_depth is changed to
As the optical depth depends on the water content, the word 'ambient'
avoids ambiguities.
- optical depth or thickness?
atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_X is defined by CF, however:
1) very long name,
2) does not fit with cloud_optical_depth,
3) is there any opt. depth not in the atmosphere?
this is why I proposed X_aerosol_ambient_optical_depth
Best regards,
Jonathan Gregory a ?crit :
> Dear Roy
> Thanks. I note that when you say something is expressed in moles of nitrogen
> you mean moles of nitrogen atoms, to be precise.
>> Does the phrase 'expressed_as' do a better job?
> It does for me, yes. I interpreted X_as_Y as meaning X is what the number
> applies to, but it comes in the form of Y, "as" meaning "in form of" like
> "water as ice". By X_as_Y you and Christiane mean Y is what the number applies
> to, taking "as" to mean "expressed as". So it would be better to have
> expressed_as, I would say, or any neater alternative if someone has one to
> suggest.
> Is it going to be OK to have names like mass_flux_of_ammonium_expressed_as_such
> do you think? Is there a better way to say that?
> Cheers
> Jonathan
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Received on Tue Oct 10 2006 - 01:37:56 BST