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[CF-metadata] equivalent of TOWGS84 in CF

From: Kyle Shannon <ksshannon>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 12:55:40 -0700

I don't believe there are any such tags for TOWGS84. I would like to see a
more conformance or integration with OGC WKT as well. This could take the
form of spatial reference well known text or proj4 definitions. For the
spheroid in cf, you have to specify earth_radius and inverse_flattening or
semi_major_axis and semi_minor_axis. I think longitude_of_prime_meridian is
in there too. The other grid_mapping tags are for projected coordinate


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Upendra Dadi <Upendra.Dadi at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to CF convention. I am looking at how to incorporate coordinate
> system information in the netcdf file. Referring to the CF documentation, I
> found that there are parameters like grid_mapping_name, semi_major_axis,
> longitude_of_prime_meridian, etc to describe the coordinate system.But I
> haven't found any attributes for specifying Bursa Wolf transformation
> parameters (equivalent of TOWGS84 in WKT). Or am I missing something? These
> parameters may be required when I am using data which is not based on WGS 84
> datum in order to be able to apply proper transformation. Thanks.
> Upendra
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