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[CF-metadata] OGC Discrete Global Grids

From: Steve Hankin <steven.c.hankin>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:19:08 -0800

Hi CF-ers,

Jeff deLaBeaujardiere (attached email) has alerted us to a new OGC
standards development called "Discrete Global Grids". I did a little
quick Googling and found this document discussing it:
http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=39995. There's also
an attachment on Jeff's message.

The reason for this probe is to pose the question how important it may
be to have someone from the CF community become involved in this
effort. There are clear overlaps with gridspec. Is a reasonable
marriage between CF and "a tessellation of nested cells"
possible/productive? Is input from climate modelers important in order
to ensure that the conservative regridding techniques essential to
modeling physical processes get embedded into the DNA of the regridding
for Discrete Global Grids?

Some of the background thinking on the effort raises alarm bells for me
-- "/The problem is a deep and pervasive challenge. The solution
_*therefore requires innovation*_. In that search we have discovered an
elegant solution. However, that solution requires a major paradigm
shift/". Is this yet-another standards committees pushing a technical
innovation as an "interoperability standard"? Or is the level of
maturity of the underlying techniques (i.e. "testing in systems of
realistic complexity
greater than what is implied in these words? There's another insight
in the effort that climate modelers would resonate with: the importance
of keeping data on its native grids until as late in processing as possible.

Any CF folks feeling inclined to get involved?

     - Steve


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [dmit] Fwd: Charter Membership to the OGC Discrete Global Grid
Systems SWG
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:12:00 -0500
From: Jeff de La Beaujardiere - NOAA <jeff.delabeaujardiere at noaa.gov>
To: NOAA OGC Interest Group <OGC.Interest at noaa.gov>
CC: DMIT <oar.pmel.dmit at noaa.gov>

FYI: If you are interested in joining a new Open Geospatial Consortium
(OGC) Standards Working Group (SWG) on Discrete Global Grids, please let
me know or respond to Matthew.Purss at ga.gov.au. I will not be a member as
it's not a domain I'm familiar with.

Jeff DLB

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Charter Membership to the OGC Discrete Global Grid
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:43:02 -0500
From: Perry Peterson <ppeterson at pyxisinnovation.com>
To: Peter Baumann <baumann at rasdaman.com>,
jeff.delabeaujardiere at noaa.gov, mike.botts at botts-inc.net
CC: Matthew.Purss at ga.gov.au <Matthew.Purss at ga.gov.au>, George Percivall
<gpercivall at opengeospatial.org>

Peter, Jeff, and Mike;

I thought you may be interested in this emerging SWG on discrete global
grids. The draft charter should be out in the next few days and we will
be meeting on Thursday of the upcoming TC. I would like we can add you
to the mailing list and Matt is looking for additional charter members -
if you would like to be included or know of others that may, please let
him know.

Regards, Perry

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