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Fwd: [CF-metadata] units - PSU

From: Roy Lowry <rkl>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 20:18:48 +0100

As far as BODC is concerned, I've caved into significant pressure to declare practical salinity as unitless and dimensionless.

Cheers, Roy.

>>> Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith at whoi.edu> 10/10/06 3:01 PM >>>

We use PSU for salinity units for "internally distributed"
files, and "1" for CF or udunits-compatible files that are
going outside our group. PSU is easier for some people,
including me, to understand, and if it is a synomym for
'1', I don't see what the problem is. We use "1" only
because PSU hasn't been accepted in the udunits system,
but I do so reluctantly.

I'll ask around, though - I'd like to understand this better
and I'm trapped on a ship full of physical oceanographers from
several different institutions.

Cheers - Nan

> I have been told by a physical oceanographer that "PSU" is no longer
> accepted as a valid unit by most in physical oceanography circles. The
> argument being that, because salinity is measured as "grams per grams",
> many oceanographers prefer a "unitless" description: "35" rather than
> "35 PSU" or "35*".
> Is the physical oceanography community represented on this
> email list? If so, perhaps they could help clear up the matter of
> salinity units.

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