The GOES-R system generates level 1b space weather products. These products fall into three categories:
(1) Products data generated from looking directionally with 3D field of views into celestial space
(2) Products data generated from observing the sun
(3) Product data generated from observing the magnetic fields around the satellite.
While many CF conventions can be used as is to support a CF compliant space weather product, there are some areas where CF conventions need to be extended. Note that two specific enhancements, which are covered in trac items 70 (Connecting coordinates to Grid Mapping variables) and 79 (Handling and formatting of vector quantities in CF) are assumed to be adopted in the near-term.
The additional areas where enhancement to the CF conventions is required are as follows:
The set of discrete sampling geometries in the current CF standard don?t adequately address the needs for space weather products. Four new space weather specific discrete sampling geometry types have been identified.
The CF cell construct in the current CF standard does not address the space weather product data generated from looking directionally with a 3D field of view into celestial space. The enhancement to the CF cell construct must include a method to specify both a (1) an angular extent around a sensing instrument boresight angle, and (2) a means to specify field of views resulting from more elaborate instruments where the field of view is not a cone. Specific enhancements to the CF cell construct have been identified.
New three dimensional coordinate systems (enabled by additional grid mappings) to support locating the space weather product data elements in both a celestial and an observation platform centric context. The new grid mappings have been identified.
The current CF standard does not include a convention for capturing the location of the observing (i.e. sensing platform). This is a ubiquitous need for the users of space weather products. An approach to provide this has been developed.
The current CF standard does not include a convention for capturing the name of the celestial object being observed. The only two celestial objects that may be viewed in the context of space weather are the sun and the moon. This is a ubiquitous need for the users of the applicable space weather products. An approach to provide this has been developed.
The scope of these potential CF enhancements significantly exceeds what is usually addressed in a single message to this board. The intent of this message is to provide an overview of the suggested CF enhancements, and solicit advice on how best to proceed.
Note that a technical memo exists that provides background information on the space weather instruments and products, and the detailed information required to make a CF compliance level 1b space weather product possible. This technical memo can be made available to folks on the message board.
very respectfully,
Randy C. Horne (rhorne at
Principal Engineer, Excalibur Laboratories Inc.
voice & fax: (321) 952-5100
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Received on Tue Sep 11 2012 - 14:12:33 BST