Dear Kristian
Ancillary variables are only for data variables in the current convention.
It wouldn't be illegal to use the attribute on coord variables, but CF
doesn't define what that would mean. (CF always permits any non-standardised
I wonder whether these are 1D coord variables (in the Unidata sense) or
aux coord vars (named by the coordinates attribute)? In the latter case, it
could be OK, because other data variables could be named as aux coord vars.
Best wishes
----- Forwarded message from Kristian Sebasti??n <ksebastian at> -----
> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:43:54 +0200
> From: Kristian Sebasti??n <ksebastian at>
> To: cf-metadata at
> Subject: [CF-metadata] Ancillary variables in coordinate variables (latitude,
> longitude, ...)
> Dear CF community,
> We have some dataset with quality controls applied to the coordinate
> variables, such as latitude and longitude coordinate. The result are
> quality control variables that we associate as ancillary variables of the
> coordinate variables with the ancillary_variables attribute. For example,
> the LAT coordinate variable has the ancillary variable QC_LAT. The dataset
> The cf-conventions clarifies the use of the ancillary_variables attribute
> for data variables but not for coordinate variables. My question is, Is the
> ancillary_variables attribute in coordinates variables compliant with the
> cf-conventions?
> Best regards,
> Kristian
> --
> Kristian Sebastian Blalid
> SOS Division: Data Center Technical
> Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979
> E-mail: kristian.sebastian at
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at
----- End forwarded message -----
Received on Tue May 05 2015 - 10:58:34 BST