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[CF-metadata] Handling time when date is "missing"

From: Bob Simons - NOAA Federal <bob.simons>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 08:42:26 +0000

Aren't the missing values only a problem for CF when they are in the
axis/dimension variables?

Isn't this observation data? If so, can't you store the data in one of the
DSG formats (not multidimensional array), where the dates are just another
variable with data?

Bob Simons
IT Specialist
Environmental Research Division
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
99 Pacific St., Suite 255A      (New!)
Monterey, CA 93940               (New!)
Phone: (831)333-9878            (New!)
Fax:   (831)648-8440
Email: bob.simons at noaa.gov
The contents of this message are mine personally and
do not necessarily reflect any position of the
Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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