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[CF-metadata] scalar coordinates

From: David Hassell <d.c.hassell>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 22:44:01 +0100

Hello Nan,

> For our meteorology time series data, we have singleton latitude and
> longitude, unlimited
> time, and numerous sensor heights. We provide time as a dimension
> and the others as
> scalar coordinates. I don't think we would gain clarity by creating
> a height dimension
> for each instrument's Z position. Our data is really a 1
> dimensional array where the
> Z coordinate is slightly different for each variable, and that's
> what we code it as.

If I understand your use case correctly, I'd put a slightly different
emphasis on the interpretation. I'll try to explain ...

The data were created with a logical dimensionality which should, I
believe, should be recorded in the file.

This not restrictive, however, since having read the file in, software
can easily choose to redistribute any size 1 (scalar or 1-dimensional)
coordinates as it sees fit.

My preference is that each scalar coordinate corresponds to a
different logical dimension which has been omitted from the array and
file for clarity.

Currently, CF-netCDF has no means of binding (a subset of) these
scalar coordinates to the same dimension - if that's what you want
then they be converted to size 1, 1 dimensional coordinates for a
named size 1 dimension which exists in the array. This case may be
slightly cumbersome for file storage, but it is unambiguous and also
allows the common case of one-scalar-coordinate-per-logical-dimension
to be very easy and clear to encode.

To your example: I would say that your *data* is logically 4
dimensionsal because in the context of a measuring instrument, I think
that time, lat, lon, and height are all logically orthogonal. However,
that's a pain to encode in a file and also to use interactively so
CF-netCDF provides a mechanism which allows you to store a 1
dimensional *array* to make everyone's lives easier.

Imagine if you had multiple timeseries for a particular sensor at a
particular height, at each location on rectangular lat/lon grid. Then
you might want to aggregate them to make 3 dimensionsal *array*
(time/lat/lon) which is still logically 4 dimensional. It seems to me
that this operation is something that you might encourage with such
variables, because the 3-d array contains exactly the same information
as its constituent 1-d arrays. Thus, deep down, everything is
logically 4-d and I would say that the files which you have described
and created say that very clearly to me!

All the best,


David Hassell
National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
Earley Gate, PO Box 243,
Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
Tel   : +44 118 3785613
E-mail: d.c.hassell at reading.ac.uk
Received on Thu May 23 2013 - 15:44:01 BST

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