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[CF-metadata] The Future of the CF conventions

From: Bryan Lawrence <b.n.lawrence>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:35:44 +0000

Hi Folks

Attached is a white paper that was produced following a meeting held earlier
this year where we got as many of the original CF authors together as was
practical. The main issue was how we move forward from where we are now.

I would ask you all to read the paper and do two things:
1) Note the timescales that we wish to adhere to in moving forward, which
start by you - the community most interested in CF - giving us feedback on
the plans outlined in the paper. We need that feedback by the beginning of

2) Note also the implied request for folk to start lobbying any organisations
(including international organisations and/or your home institutions, if
appropriate) to find out whether they would be able to contribute financially
to the maintenance of CF, and which mechanisms are preferable. Feedback on
this too is sought!

Please feel free to circulate this document for comment more widely as well.
The more feedback we get the better.

Looking forward to responses. Feel free to send them to the list, or to me
personally. I'll try and synthesize the responses into something coherent in
early December.


P.S. I'm not sure about attachments on this mailing list, so I've attached
the ms-word version because it's smaller and may get thru the list. If not,
or if you prefer PDF, it's linked from


where you can also choose to leave comments rather than using email.
I'm sure also Brian will put it on the current CF website.

Bryan Lawrence
Director of Environmental Archival and Associated Reserach
Head of the NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre
CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phone +44 1235 445012; Fax ... 5848; Web: home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence
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Received on Wed Nov 09 2005 - 02:35:44 GMT

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