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[CF-metadata] new standard names requested: number_of_observations and status_flag

From: Randy Horne <rhorne>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 13:43:38 -0400

Dear All:

I would like to request the following standard_names that are related to trac item #74 Allow sharing of ancillary variables among multiple data variables



A variable with the standard name of number_of_observations contains the number of discrete observations or measurements from which the values of another data variable have been derived. The linkage between the data variable and the variable with a standard_name of number_of_observations is achieved using the ancillary_variables attribute.

This is a dimensionless quantity (canonical units = 1).



A variable with the standard name of status_flag contains an indication of quality or other status of another data variable. The linkage between the data variable and the variable with the standard_name of status_flag is achieved using the ancillary_variables attribute.

This is a dimensionless quantity (canonical units = 1).

very respectfully,


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