Dear Derrick,
It is an interesting question actually. I would say that CF are conventions, in contrary of ISO 19115/19139. The notion of profile is not expected to be as important as it is in ISO, from a technical point of view at least..But it's only my opinion.
Then for a given community probably the thing I would do is to define a kind of 'profile for conventions' with some recommendations. This profile could be described in a document, and then mentioned in netCDF header like Conventions = "CF-1.4, community profile XXX". And that would be enough, I guess.
Anyway if someone experienced this in different ways I am really interested in.(I do not know if it is a constructive contribution to the discussion, but I hope so!)
Kind regards,
-----Message d'origine-----
De?: cf-metadata-bounces at [mailto:cf-metadata-bounces at] De la part de Derrick Snowden
Envoy??: mardi 14 juillet 2009 15:17
??: cf-metadata at
Cc?: Charles Sun
Objet?: [CF-metadata] Conventions vs. Community Profiles
I am interested in creating a new file format for use in an operational data collection scheme. The file will contain XBT profiles collected under the auspices of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team so will have many international users. I'd like to use CF conventions but I'm struggling with the difference between a "convention" and a "profile". As I understand it, CF provides guidance for how to encode data. I.e. given a certain data structure, CF shows how that can be encoded in an efficient and hopefully interoperable way. As this new XBT file will be used by a large community with common goals we would like to recommend/require the use of certain attributes and variables. This strikes me as more of a community content profile similar to the way
ISO19115 provides the structure of a metadata document while the North American Profile recommends the usage of certain elements. My question is, how does one go about developing a community profile? Does this end up being another convention or is it distinct in it's representation in the file. For example, would the global attributes look like
.Conventions = "CF-1.4, XBT-1.0" or
.Conventions = "CF-1.4"
.Profile = "XBT-1.0" or .Community_Profile or whatever?
Clearly anything can be done, my question is does anyone care to comment on what should be done? I know other communities such as Argo and OceanSITES have made some choices but I'm not sure if they're the right ones.
Thanks for your time.
Derrick Snowden
NOAA Climate Program Office, Climate Observation Division 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1202 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Tel 1-301-427-2464 Fax 1-301-427-0033
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Received on Tue Jul 21 2009 - 09:18:08 BST