Hi Karl,
> I have heard that the following proposal was funded by NASA:
> * Russell Rew (University Corporation for Atmospheric
> Research/National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,
> Colo.): Merging the NetCDF and HDF5 Libraries to Achieve
> Gains in Performance and Interoperability
We learned of this news yesterday afternoon. It was a surprise
because the selections were originally scheduled to be announced on
January 24. We hadn't heard anything until yesterday, so were not
very hopeful.
> Does this mean that in the future it will be possible to write netCDF files
> efficiently on massively parallel machines? Anyone know anything
> about this and its implications for CF?
Yes, writing netCDF files efficiently using parallel I/O is one of the
goals of the proposed effort. More information about this, including
a link to the proposal description and to the NASA press release is
available here:
Russ Rew UCAR Unidata Program
russ at unidata.ucar.edu
Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 10:08:28 GMT