I tried to re-phrase your proposal, following Alison and others on
diameters, and trying to give meaningful names (at least to me)
I think that coordinate attribute should indicate a geophysical value
rater than and index, so now, the coordinate attribute points to
"SPP200_median_particle_diameter" rather than "size30".
One last question I couldn't solve : should
"bounds="SPP200_bin_bounds" be a attribute of the simple index variable
("SPP200_bins") or of the the geophysices coordinate
("SPP200_median_particle_diameter") ?
Here is my last attempt :
time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
SPP200_bins = 30 ;
two = 2 ;
int SPP200_bins(SPP200_bins) ;
SPP200_bins:long_name = "bin number, from 1 up to 30" ;
SPP200_bins:bounds = "SPP200_bin_bounds" ;
float mic_conctab_SPP200_sync_1(time, SPP200_bins) ;
mic_conctab_SPP200_sync_1:units = "count/cm3" ;
mic_conctab_SPP200_sync_1:coordinates = "time
SPP200_median_particle_diameter" ;
mic_conctab_SPP200_sync_1:standard_name =
"number_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air" ;
float SPP200_median_particle_diameter(SPP200_bins) ;
SPP200_median_particle_diameter:long_name = "median diameter of size
class" ;
SPP200_median_particle_diameter:units = "micron" ;
SPP200_median_particle_diameter:standard_name =
"aerosol_particle_diameter" ;
float SPP200_bin_bounds(SPP200_bins, two) ;
SPP200_bin_bounds:long_name = "lower and upper bound of size class" ;
SPP200_bin_bounds:units = "micron" ;
M?l : bruno.piguet at | GAME : URA CNRS & METEO-FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 59 | CNRM/GMEI/TRAMM
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 27 | 42 Av. G. Coriolis
Sec : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 63 | 31057 TOULOUSE cedex 1
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