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[CF-metadata] grid cells with a varying number of cell bounds

From: Charlie Zender <zender>
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2018 12:52:38 -0800

> By the way, the UGRID standard maps pretty well to how unstructured grid
> models generally store their grids and read and write them anyway, so it
> shouldn't be a heavy lift to support it.

Chris, I think you underestimate the work required.
Many models on unstructured grids (e.g., CAM-SE, MPAS)
use CF conventions for their native grid output, yet
do not include much if any mesh connectivity information.
This information is often in model-specific formats in
off-line files, and may not be present in normal datafiles
that only have lat, lon, and gridcell vertices.
The UGRID standard for adding connectivity info
is clear and excellent, yet it also takes time and
expertise to pull that info together into UGRID format.
Groups that are already running CMIP6 experiments might
prefer that new output requirements like UGRID be deferred
until CMIP7 :)

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(
Received on Tue Jan 02 2018 - 13:52:38 GMT

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