Hi all,
I have multiple rates of data (1sps, 10sps, 25sps, or higher) in a
single file and am trying to handle this in a CF compliant way without
having to resort to a time dimension at the highest rate, leading to
inordinate amounts of padding in lower rate variables. As far as I can
tell, CF does not address this case directly.
We have been using something like the following. My question is, if
reading this file in an automated fashion, would you know to interpret
the sps dimensions as additional time information? If not, is this
something that should be addressed within CF? Is there a better way to
do this?
Any and all feedback appreciated! Thanks so much,
Janine Aquino
netcdf ICE-Lrf01h {
Time = 16081 ;
sps1 = 1 ;
sps25 = 25 ;
sps10 = 10 ;
int Time(Time) ;
Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ;
Time:standard_name = "time" ;
Time:units = "seconds since 2007-11-07 17:54:00 +0000" ;
Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ;
float VAR1(Time, sps1) ;
VAR1:_FillValue = -32767.f ;
VAR1:units = "count" ;
VAR1:long_name = "Fred" ;
VAR1:SampledRate = 1 ;
float VAR2(Time, sps10) ;
VAR2:_FillValue = -32767.f ;
VAR2:units = "msec" ;
VAR2:long_name = "Wilma" ;
VAR2:SampledRate = 10 ;
float VAR3(Time, sps25) ;
VAR3:_FillValue = -32767.f ;
VAR3:units = "degree" ;
VAR3:long_name = "Barney" ;
VAR3:SampledRate = 25 ;
// global attributes:
:Source = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ;
:Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ;
:Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ;
:Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ;
:ConventionsURL =
http://www.eol.ucar.edu/raf/Software/netCDF.html" ;
:ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ;
:ProcessorRevision = "4453" ;
:ProcessorURL = "
http://svn/svn/raf/trunk/nimbus" ;
:DateProcessed = "2009-06-11 22:01:28 +0000" ;
:ProjectName = "ICE-L" ;
:Platform = "N130AR" ;
:ProjectNumber = "ICE-L" ;
:FlightNumber = "rf01" ;
:FlightDate = "11/07/2007" ;
:InterpolationMethod = "Linear" ;
:coordinates = "LONC LATC GGALT Time" ;
:wind_field = "WSC WDC WIC" ;
:landmarks = "39.191 -106.817 Aspen,36.407 -105.573 Taos,37.275
-107.879 Durango,40.7858 -111.979 Alta,38.573 -109.549 Moab,39.9088
-105.117 BJC
,39.5701 -104.849 Centl,41.1556 -104.811 CYS,38.8058 -104.7 COS,38.9697
AFF,38.2891 -104.497 PUB,35.0402 -106.609 ABQ,41.312 -105.675
LAR,39.8584 -104.
667 DEN,40.2333 -103.667 FtMpp,40.8667 -105.033 RawHpp,40.8712 -104.715
2.908 -106.464 CPR,43.0642 -108.46 RIW,42.8375 -103.095 CDR,42.0532
-102.804 AIA
,41.1013 -102.985 SNY,41.874 -103.596 BFF,40.4518 -105.011 FNL,40.4374
GXY,42.0555 -104.929 EAN,42.7972 -105.386 DGW,44.0453 -103.057
RAP,42.7538 -104.
405 LSK,42.0645 -104.153 TOR,41.1881 -103.677 IBM" ;
:TimeInterval = "17:54:00-22:22:00" ;
:Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos.
State,Liquid Water,Uncorr\'d Raw,Wind,PMS
Probe,Housekeeping,Chemistry,Radiation,Non-Standard" ;
Received on Tue Jan 04 2011 - 17:59:35 GMT