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[CF-metadata] cf4j - Java library for CF standard names

From: John Caron <caron>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 13:19:46 -0600

cool, thanks!

On 7/31/2012 11:56 AM, Shane StClair wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wanted to share a new Java library available on Maven Central. cf4j
> (CF for Java) is a simple library that provides constants for all CF
> standard names and feature types. The standard names are generated via XSLT
> from the xml representation of the standard names[1] provided on the CF
> Metadata site. The major version of cf4j corresponds to the revision number
> of the CF standard names it provides (currently 19).
> The project is hosted on GitHub here:
> https://github.com/axiomalaska/cf4j
> Project documentation is available here:
> http://axiomalaska.github.com/cf4j/
> ...and JavaDocs here:
> http://axiomalaska.github.com/cf4j/apidocs/
> The most useful class is CFStandardNames, which provides all of the
> standard name constants:
> http://axiomalaska.github.com/cf4j/apidocs/com/axiomalaska/cf4j/CFStandardNames.html
> The library will be updated as new versions of the CF names are produced. I
> needed the library while working on a Sensor Observation Service project
> and wasn't aware of any Java resources that provided versioned CF names.
> Hopefully it will be useful for someone.
> Best,
> Shane
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