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[CF-metadata] Re: units in cf standard names

From: Steve Emmerson <steve>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:42:53 -0600


Regarding the use of decibels in the UDUNITS package: as I'm sure you're
aware, the package doesn't support it (sigh). Unfortunately, the
"utUnit" data-structure in that package is publically visible -- making
the addition of support for logarithmic units difficult to impossible
(depending on how deeply you feel about certain software engineering
best practices). Also, the API only supports galilean transformations
between unit values.

I am, however, currently working on a new (backward incompatible :-)
version of the UDUNITS package that will support logarithmic units
(along with some additional enhancements). Feel free to nag me about
it. :-)

Steve Emmerson
UDUNITS developer
Received on Tue Oct 10 2006 - 14:42:53 BST

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