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[CF-metadata] Request for help relating Netcdf file and the projection issues!

From: Sami Khanal <sami.khanal>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:10:57 -0000

Dear all,

I ran into a problem while analyzing netCDF data generated by WRF model. My
goal is to be able to convert the curvilinear grid structure in netCDF file
to some other grid structure (i.e. to change the projection system into
WGS1984 or some other projection).

My ultimate goal is to be able to overlay grid converted from netCDF file to
other grid in platform like ArcGIS.

I have also attached one of the netcdf file I am trying to work with.

I would really appreciate if you could provide me some information about
these issues.

Thank you very much for your help!

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