Dear was a typing mistaken! sorry for
this error!
Best regards
Citando Steven Emmerson <steve at>:
> Christina,
> I assume you meant "1" for the unit specification rather than "!".
> --Steve
> On 2/28/2011 5:25 AM, cristina.tronconi at wrote:
>> Dear Steve,
>> thanks for your recommandation. It is important to me to be sure I can
>> use "!" as unit, as my data are produced within MYOCEAN (european)
>> project and thay are going to test my data! so it is important my data
>> does not failed the CF checker test.
>> Best regards
>> cristina
>> Citando Steven Emmerson <steve at>:
>>> Cristina,
>>> I recommend the unit "1" for that use.
>>> If the CF checker doesn't like that unit, then it should be fixed, IMO,
>>> because that unit is supported by both the US NIST and the BIPM.
>>> Regards,
>>> Steve Emmerson
>>> UDUNITS developer
>>> On 2/26/2011 12:30 PM, cristina.tronconi at wrote:
>>>> Dear Roy,
>>>> Our variable "chlorophyll count" as is understandable by CF is the
>>>> number of individual measurements used to determine a chlorophyll value.
>>>> I do need to know what to put at "units" attribute for that variable.
>>>> I undestood by the CF convention 1.4 (appendix C) that I have to put
>>>> "units="1" as the chlorophyll count is a dimensionless variable...but
>>>> the CF checker found it as an error.
>>>> I try not to put the Unit attribute ...but again i get an error by che
>>>> cf
>>>> my question is: what unit shoudl I set for my chlorophyll count
>>>> variable?
>>>> thanks for your help.
>>>> cristina
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Cristina Tronconi
>>>> Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - sezione di Roma
>>>> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
>>>> Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100
>>>> 00133 Roma, Italy
>>>> Tel: +39 06 49934342
>>>> cell: '39 349 1242954
>>>> Fax: +39 06 20660291
>>>> e-mail: cristina.tronconi at
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> CF-metadata mailing list
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>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Cristina Tronconi
>> Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - sezione di Roma
>> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
>> Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100
>> 00133 Roma, Italy
>> Tel: +39 06 49934342
>> cell: '39 349 1242954
>> Fax: +39 06 20660291
>> e-mail: cristina.tronconi at
Cristina Tronconi
Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - sezione di Roma
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100
00133 Roma, Italy
Tel: +39 06 49934342
cell: '39 349 1242954
Fax: +39 06 20660291
e-mail: cristina.tronconi at
Received on Tue Mar 01 2011 - 10:43:40 GMT