Thanks for the confirmation Don. This seems very odd indeed - if the
source data don't contain the (real) lon and lat coordinates then it's
quite onerous (and quite pointless) to do so in a convenient fashion
(it would generally involve re-writing the headers, or using some long
and ugly NcML). Presumably there must have been a good reason for
including these coordinates?
Cheers, Jon
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Don Murray<dmurray at> wrote:
> John-
> I believe for all grid_mappings that lat/lon are required even though the
> grid mapping defines the transformations necessary. ?I think it is redundant
> in all cases, not just for the rotated lat/lon.
> Don
> Jon Blower wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We have some data that use a rotated pole grid. ?The CF convention for
>> describing this is here:
>> ?Are the 2D lon and lat variables in this example really necessary?
>> They would seem to be redundant as their values can be calculated from
>> rlon, rlat and the location of the new "north" pole.
>> Thanks, Jon
> --
> *************************************************************
> Don Murray ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? UCAR Unidata Program
> dmurray at ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?P.O. Box 3000
> (303) 497-8628 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Boulder, CO 80307
> *************************************************************
Dr Jon Blower
Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre
Environmental Systems Science Centre
University of Reading
Harry Pitt Building, 3 Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6AL. UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 378 5213
Fax: +44 (0)118 378 6413
j.d.blower at
Received on Wed Jun 17 2009 - 08:56:33 BST