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[CF-metadata] making proposals in trac

From: Philip Bentley <philip.bentley>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:08:33 +0100

Jonathan et al,

The current CF trac system allows tickets of type 'task', 'defect' and
'enhancement'. Would there be merit in creating a new ticket type
called, say, 'discussion' (or 'RFC' perhaps) to capture preliminary
technical discussions connected with a tentative/provisional proposal?


On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 08:19 +0100, Jonathan Gregory wrote:

> Dear John
> The trac system is evidently being used for detailed discussion as well as
> proposals, and it has advantages for that. If that is done, however, it might
> be best to close the discussion ticket and open a new one when a definite
> proposal is made. That's just my opinion; we don't have any rules about this.
> To get a change agreed to the conventions, a moderator is definitely needed,
> and the template should be used, to make sure required info is provided. A
> discussion on trac doesn't have such requirements.
> To engage a moderator, you could appeal for a volunteer when you open the
> ticket, either in the ticket itself or on the email list. It is not clear
> to me how this should best be done or how potential moderators can be
> encouraged to volunteer.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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