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[CF-metadata] Array Subscript Convention

From: Tom Gross <Tom.Gross>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:53:37 -0500

To be 0 or 1, that is the question.
Is there a variable attribute for arrays of indices which indicate
whether the
numbering convention goes 1:n or 0:n-1 ?
I am building finite element meshes which require arrays of indices
to indicate the nodes contained in each triangular element.
If the same array is used by fortran as by C the indexing will be off by
one unit.
Thanks for listening.

 Dr. Tom Gross
 Marine Modeling and Analysis Program
 NOAA/NOS/CSDL   SSMC-3 N/CS13           off (301) 713-2809 x139
 1315 East-West Hwy                      fax (301) 713-4501
 Silver Spring, MD 20910                 tom.gross at noaa.gov
Wednesday-Friday's I am usually at:
 Chesapeake Research Consortium
 Edgewater, Maryland (near Annapolis)
 410 798-1283 or 301 261 4500
 grosst at si.edu
Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 11:53:37 GMT

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