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[CF-metadata] Request for new standard-name: apparent_oxygen_utilization

From: Ajay Krishnan - NOAA Affiliate <ajay.krishnan>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 09:56:59 -0500

Hi Alison,

Yes, please use mol kg-1 as the canonical unit.



*alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk <http://stfc.ac.uk>* alison.pamment at
stfc.ac.uk <cf-metadata%40cgd.ucar.edu?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCF-metadata%5D%20Request%20for%20new%0A%09standard-name%3A%09apparent_oxygen_utilization&In-Reply-To=%3C014539AC4976BE4490A360410A8C20178A2D6062%40EXCHMBX01.fed.cclrc.ac.uk%3E>
*Thu Feb 26 03:56:32 MST 2015*

Dear All,

Thank you for the constructive discussion of this proposal - it seems
that agreement has been reached on apparent_oxygen_utilisation with
canonical units of mol kg-1. (Just to double check: is this the
correct unit for use with the World Ocean Database, which I believe is
the reason for requesting the name in the first place. Units of mol
m-3 have also been mentioned in this discussion, but this could be a

Best wishes,
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