This particular example has confused me in the past but for a different
reason. It seems to me like the time values are not the best choice to
represent the climatological time intervals.
i.e. instead of:
> time="1960-4-16", "1960-7-16", "1960-10-16", "1961-1-16" ;
> climatology_bounds="1960-3-1", "1990-6-1",
> "1960-6-1", "1990-9-1",
> "1960-9-1", "1990-12-1",
> "1960-12-1", "1991-3-1" ;
I think it would be better to have the time values as the midpoint of the
bounds. i.e.
time="1975-4-16", "1975-7-16", "1975-10-16", "1976-1-16" ;
climatology_bounds="1960-3-1", "1990-6-1",
"1960-6-1", "1990-9-1",
"1960-9-1", "1990-12-1",
"1960-12-1", "1991-3-1" ;
This corresponds better with the recomendation given in section 7.4 which
"The time coordinates should be values that are representative of the
climatological time intervals, such that an application which does not
recognise climatological time will nonetheless be able to make a reasonable
interpretation. "
And also corresponds with the example in section 7.7 which is as follows:
time="1965-1-15", "1975-1-15", "1985-1-15" ;
climatology_bounds="1961-1-1", "1970-2-1",
"1971-1-1", "1980-2-1",
"1981-1-1", "1990-2-1" ;
Dominic Lowe
On Friday 03 July 2009 09:24:54 Heinke Hoeck wrote:
> Dear all,
> I need help for 'Example 7.8. Climatological seasons'.
> This should be:
> 'average seasonal-minimum temperature for the four standard
> climatological seasons MAM JJA SON DJF'.
> dimensions:
> time=4;
> nv=2;
> variables:
> float temperature(time,lat,lon);
> temperature:long_name="surface air temperature";
> temperature:cell_methods="time: minimum within years time: mean over
> years";
> temperature:units="K";
> double time(time);
> time:climatology="climatology_bounds";
> time:units="days since 1960-1-1";
> double climatology_bounds(time,nv);
> data: // time coordinates translated to date/time format
> time="1960-4-16", "1960-7-16", "1960-10-16", "1961-1-16" ;
> climatology_bounds="1960-3-1", "1990-6-1",
> "1960-6-1", "1990-9-1",
> "1960-9-1", "1990-12-1",
> "1960-12-1", "1991-3-1" ;
> Where is the information that the intervals are 3 months (seasons)?
> In the climatology_bounds the intervals are 30 years and 3 months.
> In the cell_methods no interval information is given.
> Best wishes
> Heinke
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Received on Tue Jul 07 2009 - 03:10:52 BST