Hi all,
I think ultraviolet_index, all spelled out, is better. If you
abbreviate it uv_index, you have the potential to confuse people who are
used to thinking about U and V as symbolizing wind vectors.
On 11/15/13 1:58 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear Oystein
> Since the UV index is a standard quantity, it seems fine to me to give it a
> standard name of uv_index, or ultraviolet_index - which would be better? I
> don't think "surface" is needed unless it is sometimes reported at other
> levels - is it?
> I would assume that without qualification it would refer to the actual or
> forecast cloud cover. If you would like to provide it as dependent on cloud
> cover, this could be done by giving it a coordinate variable or scalar
> coordinate variable with a standard_name of cloud_area_fraction. If you
> prefer to indicate the cloudiness in the standard name, I think this could
> be done for clear-sky on the pattern of existing standard names as
> uv_index_assuming_clear_sky
> There aren't any existing standard names for complete or partial cloud cover.
> Complete cloud cover is well-defined and an "assuming" phrase could be agreed
> for that, I imagine. Does partial cloud cover have a precise definition?
> Best wishes
> Jonathan Gregory
> ----- Forwarded message from ?ystein God?y <o.godoy at met.no> -----
>> From: ?ystein God?y <o.godoy at met.no>
>> To: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
>> Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:26:45 +0100
>> User-Agent: KMail/4.10.5 (Linux/3.8.0-26-generic; KDE/4.10.5; x86_64; ; )
>> Subject: [CF-metadata] UV-index in CF compliant files
>> Dear community,
>> I am in the process of moving towards usage of NetCDF/CF for our Ultraviolet
>> index forecast. In this context I am wondering which standard name to use for
>> this variable. Some information on UV-index can be found at
>> http://www.who.int/uv/intersunprogramme/activities/uv_index/en/index1.html
>> As forecasted cloud cover may be uncertain we always provide the UV-index for
>> clear sky conditions, partly cloudy, overcast and then with the forecasted
>> cloud cover. I would like to retain this in the NetCDF/CF files as well,
>> leaving the choice of which to use to the end user or the application.
>> I was not able to find any relevant standard name in the table, and in the
>> NCEP GRIB code to CF standard name mapping, the CF standard name was
>> missing.
>> What would be the appropriate new standard name to use for this purpose?
>> uvindex or surface_uvindex with the potential of adding a modifier identifying
>> the cloud cover and unit 1?
>> All the best
>> ?ystein
>> --
>> Dr. Oystein Godoy
>> Norwegian Meteorological Institute
>> P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
>> Ph: (+47) 2296 3000 (switchb) 2296 3334 (direct line)
>> Fax:(+47) 2296 3050 Institute home page: http://met.no/
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> ----- End forwarded message -----
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