Dear Jonathan,
Yes, I considered "vertical_component_of_curl_of_surface_downward_stress"
too, but decided to propose the shorter one. I quite understand your desire
for consistency of formulation and have no problem accepting your
alternative. However, since we have already tooled up for my proposal, it
would be more *convenient* for us if you choose
"vertical_component_of_surface_downward_stress_curl". Perhaps you could
define it as an alias? Your call.
Best regards,
2016-09-23 18:23 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at>:
> Dear Bruce
> > divergence_of_surface_downward_stress
> looks fine. We have a couple of other divergence_of_X names. In view of
> this,
> would it be OK to have
> > vertical_component_of_curl_of_surface_downward_stress
> instead of
> > vertical_component_of_surface_downward_stress_curl
> for consistency of syntax, although it's slightly more cumbersome?
> Best wishes and thanks
> Jonathan
Bruce Hackett Senior Scientist
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway), R & D Dept.
P.O. Box 43 - Blindern e-mail: bruceh (at) met (dot) no
N-0313 Oslo Phone: +47 48 048 958
NORWAY Fax: +47 22 96 33 80
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