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[CF-metadata] request for new standard name

From: Christophe Lerot <Christophe.Lerot>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:50:15 +0200

Dear all,

We are in the process to create NetCDF files for satellite observations
of vertical ozone columns. This quantity represents the atmosphere
vertically-integrated concentration of ozone and is generally expressed
in Dobson Units (1 DU=2.69 molec/cm?). I didn't find any suitable
standard name for this.

I'd like to propose to add this quantity as a standard name within the
CF convention. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance for considering this.

Best regards,

Dr. Christophe LEROT
Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
Chemistry & Physics of Atmospheres
Avenue circulaire, 3
1180 Brussels
phone:  +32/(0)2-3730-407
mobile: +32/(0)472-81.87.00
mail:   christophe.lerot at aeronomie.be
url:    http://uv-vis.aeronomie.be/
Received on Thu Sep 13 2012 - 05:50:15 BST

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