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[CF-metadata] udunits 1 or 2 for CF?

From: Bruno PIGUET <bruno.piguet>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:58:48 +0100

Le mercredi 03 mars 2010 ? 15:10 +0000, Andrew Clegg a ?crit :
> [...] In udunits1, I used 'ukg m^-3', which
> udunits2 rejects as invalid. udunits2 accepts 'mg m^-3' (which is much
> better!), but udunits1 interprets this as to do with gravity. Because of
> this, I can't include a unit string which is generally compatible with
> udunits...

As a personal choice, to deal with this problem, I use the full word
"gram" with udunits-1. And "mgram" is accepted as milligram, which I
find better than ukg, which i would never have thought of by myself.

 I guess (can't test it by now) that "mgram" should also be accepted by
udunits-2. Is it an option for you ?

 M?l : bruno.piguet at meteo.fr |  GAME : URA CNRS & METEO-FRANCE
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