Folks: The GOES-R ground system is generating a cloud phase quantity.
This is derived from the imager aboard the geostationary satellite. The
quantity can take on six value (i.e. it is an categorical / enumeration
type) where each value defines a different cloud phase category - Clear(0),
liquid water(1), super-cooled liquid water(2), mixed phase(3), ice(4),
unknown(5). I looked through the current CF standard_name table and
could not find any enumeration types other than the binary_masks. Here
is a first cut at a proposal that generally follows the existing
binary_mask standard_names: standard_name: cloud_phase_category
definition: X_category has six categories where 0=clear, 1=liquid water,
2=super-cooled liquid water, 3=mixed phase, 4=ice, and 5=unknown. very
respectfully, randy
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Received on Thu Apr 18 2013 - 16:05:09 BST