I would encourage you to follow the NCEI NetCDF templates:
On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 12:30 AM Ateljevich, Eli at DWR <
Eli.Ateljevich at water.ca.gov> wrote:
> I have scalar time series from USGS and NOAA, both of which use an integer
> code 9414290 and a readable name ?San Francisco, CA?.
> Any suggestions how to list them both and which is preferred for
> timeseries_id? Can anyone give me an example of what typically goes in
> ?station_info?, something that is in many of the examples but not with any
> kind of serious content ? the examples are just ?any kind of station info?.
> Thanks. I realize there must be a standard answer or example, but I can?t
> seem to find them.
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