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[CF-metadata] CF sub-tasking?

From: Magnus Hagdorn <Magnus.Hagdorn>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 13:31:19 +0000

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 12:20 -0800, Steve Hankin wrote:
> * We are working to make some NOAA funding available (can be
> spent outside of NOAA of course) to develop the software for a
> web site to support CF standards development. I propose the
> name "Standards Forge" for this software. Functionally it
> would borrow a lot from Bugzilla -- able to open issues,
> indicate severities of issues, track discussions, indicate
> linkages between issues, resolve (close) issues, moderate
> membership in discussions. The user interface could look
> completely different from Bugzilla. Versioning issues need to
> be addressed, too (borrowing from CVS?). The construction of
> this software could be "contracted out". (I can think of a
> few groups/individuals that could do it well just off the top
> of my head.)
> * Some organization would need to host the Standards Forge site.
> I'd like to lobby Unidata to take on this role -- as CF is a
> spin-off of netCDF. (Of course other institutions could
> install Standards Forge for their own purposes, too.) Hosting
> the site does not necessarily imply leadership in the
> technical discussions.
hi all,
what about using NeSCForge[1] for this? John Evans and I have been
working on translating the CF-1.0 document to docbook. It's mostly done
but has been dormant for quite some time now. Anyway, we were using the
cvs repository on NeSCForge for this. So there is already a project page
for CF there[2]. NeSCForge is run by the run by the UK national
e-science centre and is based on GForge. NeSCForge provides cvs, mailing
list, forums, bug and feature trackers, etc.
[1] https://forge.nesc.ac.uk/
[2] https://forge.nesc.ac.uk/projects/cf-doc/
Magnus Hagdorn
School of GeoSciences
The University of Edinburgh
Grant Institute
West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JW
PHONE: (+44) 131 650 8523
FAX:   (+44) 131 668 3184
email: Magnus.Hagdorn at glg.ed.ac.uk
web:   http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/homes/mhagdorn
Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 06:31:19 GMT

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