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[CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz (radiation)

From: Christiane Textor <christiane.textor>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 20:16:59 +0100

Hello again,

Sorry, one more remark:
all optical properties need the dry/ambient qualifier, also asymmetry
parameter, extinctions.


Christiane Textor schrieb:
> Dear Heinke,
> Please find below my comments on the names concerning optical properties
> and radiation.
>> forcing
>> **********
>> toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky
>> toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky
>> toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol
>> surface_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky
>> surface_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol
>> toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky
> all ok
>> toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol
>> surface_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky
>> surface_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_aerosol
> the last 3 for ambient or dry aerosol?
>> rad the units are dimensionless
>> *********************************
>> Also, wet/dry distinguish between soluble and insoluble particles
>> which can uptake or not ambient water. So the definition
>> wet_aerosol_ambient is maybe redundant, as ambient aerosol means
>> aerosol that has taken up ambient water through hygroscopic growth.
> 'Ambient aerosol' in CF means aerosol in the ambient atmosphere, that
> has taken up water according to the Koehler equation, i.e. the particle
> and environmental conditions.
> 'Dry aerosol' means without water.
> 'Wet aerosol' should not be used in CF
> I have corrected all names below that were incorrect in this manner.
> I have also delete the word 'particle'.
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
> ok
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_dust_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_particulate_organic_matter_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_seasalt_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_water_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_black_carbon_in_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_in_ambient_aerosol
> all above: delete the _in_ it should be
> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_X_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
> ok
>> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_in_ambient_aerosol
> delete the _in_ as above
>> atmosphere_accumulation_mode_dry_aerosol_particle_ambient_optical_thickness
> why did you change the structure? it should be
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_X_ambient_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_accumulation_mode_ambient_aerosol
>> atmosphere_accumulation_mode_wet_aerosol_particle_ambient_optical_thickness
>> atmosphere_coarse_mode_dry_aerosol_ambient_optical_thickness
>> atmosphere_coarse_mode_wet_aerosol_ambient_optical_thickness
> a>atmosphere_aitken_mode_dry_aerosol_ambient_optical_thickness
>> atmosphere_aitken_mode_wet_aerosol_ambient_optical_thickness
> all structures incorrect, do not use "wet" but "ambient"
> change to
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_accumulation_mode_ambient_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_accumulation_mode_dry_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_coarse_mode_ambient_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_coarse_mode_dry_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aitken_mode_ambient_aerosol
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aitken_mode_dry_aerosol
>> atmosphere_accumulation_mode_dry_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
>> atmosphere_accumulation_mode_wet_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
>> coarse_mode_dry_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
>> coarse_mode_wet_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
>> aitken_mode_dry_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
>> aitken_mode_wet_aerosol_particle_ambient_absorption_optical_thickness
> The structure of these should be corrected as above.
> Discussion on the vague definition of these modes:
> Use of scalar coordinate: For PM10 we agreed on the explicitly defining
> a name for it, as Jonathan wrote in his email from 18/11. If I remember
> correctly the previous discussion, we said that this would only be done
> for very common names, otherwise scalar coordinates would be used. The
> modes you are mentioning are indeed very common names, so a
> standard-name should be defined.
> I think it is however impossible to prescribe the definition in CF as
> people use different limits in their model. Would it be possible to
> request the exact definition in the comment of this name?
>> atmosphere_aerosol_extinction_cross_section_per_particle
>> atmosphere_aerosol_extinction_cross_section_per_particle_of_atmosphere_layer
> Why per particle? I guess in a model you would have this quantity for
> the average of particles in a grid box. If it refers to a single
> particle or to the whole population cannot be part of the standard_name
> but must be defined as a cell measure.
> I do not understand you layer names.
> What would be the differenct to this name?
> atmosphere_extinction_optical_thickness_of_atmospheric_layer_due_to_ambient_aerosol,
> (in this case the layer is needed as the name refers to the vertical
> length of a layer, or grid box height, but I am not sure, Jonathan what
> do you think?)
>> aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_of_atmosphere_layer
>> aerosol_asymmetry_parameter
> what is the difference? do not understand you layer-variables. and why
> not in_atmospheric_layer?
>> atmosphere_aerosol_refractive_index_imaginary_part
>> aerosol_refractive_index_imaginary_part_of_atmosphere_layer
>> atmosphere_aerosol_refractive_index_real_part
>> aerosol_refractive_index_real_part_of_atmosphere_layer
>> atmosphere_aerosol_single_scattering_albedo
>> aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_of_atmosphere_layer
> Again, I do not understand the layer variables, and then they should be
> constructed at the other variables, e.g.
> atmosphere_layer_aerosol_refractive_index_imaginary_part
> I think it would be important to distinguish between dry and ambient
> aerosol? do not understand the layer-variables
> Best wishes
> Christiane
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Christiane Textor
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Unite Mixte de Recherche CEA-CNRS-UVSQ
LSCE/IPSL, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers,
Bat. 701, Piece 3b, Point Courrier 129
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
mailto: christiane.textor at lsce.ipsl.fr
Tel ++33 1 69 08 34 07 Fax ++33 1 69 08 77 16
GEOmon scientific coordinator http://www.geomon.eu
Received on Sun Nov 23 2008 - 12:16:59 GMT

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