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[CF-metadata] You will get email from the CF Trac system.

From: Brian Eaton <eaton>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:21:42 -0600

Hi All,

I get 3 copies. They are from
1) the person making the comment
2) owner-cf-conventions at lists.llnl.gov
3) owner-cf-metadata at lists.llnl.gov

Only the last one contains the new header/footer info about the Trac

The knowledge of the procedure originally set up to have Trac send out
email messages was lost and Jeff has recently been trying to rediscover it.
He was expecting that Trac would send a message to
cf-conventions at lists.llnl.gov and that that list would pass it on to
cf-metadata at lists.llnl.gov for distribution. Hence the new header and
footer messages are only attached to the messages from cf-metadata (note
that these are majordomo lists hosted at LLNL and have no connection to the
cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu mailman list which I moderate).

There are obviously some connections that remain to be rediscovered. Jeff
is on vacation now so I expect we'll just need to wait until he returns to
have progress on fixing these glitches.


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 11:47:11AM +0100, David Hassell wrote:
> Hello Bert,
> I get Copy 2:
> > From = the person making the comment
> > Reply to = cf-conventions-owner at ...
> > Body contains only the trac message
> Hope that helps, all the best,
> David
> ---- Original message from Bert Jagers (11AM 26 Jun 12)
> > Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:14:55 +0200
> > From: Bert Jagers <bert.jagers at deltares.nl>
> > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120428
> > Thunderbird/12.0.1
> > CC: cf-metadata list <cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>
> > Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] You will get email from the CF Trac system.
> >
> > Hi David and others,
> >
> > Then it's probably some setting somewhere. I get two copies of each
> > change, but they are slightly different:
> >
> > Copy 1:
> > From = the person making the comment
> > Reply to = the person making the comment
> > Body starts with "This message came from the CF Trac system. Do not
> > reply. Instead, enter your comments in the CF Trac system at
> > https://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/trac/."
> > and then followed by the trac message
> >
> > Copy 2:
> > From = the person making the comment
> > Reply to = cf-conventions-owner at ...
> > Body contains only the trac message
> >
> > Which one do you get David?
> > I expect that I may get the first one from the trac system directly
> > and the second one via one of the mailing list.
> > Hope this helps to indicate where someone (possibly I myself) should
> > change a setting.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Bert
> > --------
> >
> > On 26/06/2012 10:01, David Hassell wrote:
> > >I'm only getting one of each Trac message, though ....
> > >
> > >David
> > >
> > >---- Original message from andrew walsh (10AM 26 Jun 12)
> > >
> > >>From: andrew walsh<awalsh at metoc.gov.au>
> > >>To: John Caron<caron at unidata.ucar.edu>
> > >>Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 10:19:31 +1000
> > >>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931
> > >>CC: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> > >>Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] You will get email from the CF Trac system.
> > >>
> > >>Hi List,
> > >>
> > >>Sorry for the my email adding to the flood.
> > >>I am getting 2 copies as well.
> > >>
> > >>Andrew Walsh
> > >>
> > >>----- Original Message ----- From: "John Caron"
> > >><caron at unidata.ucar.edu>
> > >>To:<cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>
> > >>Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:44 AM
> > >>Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] You will get email from the CF Trac system.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>yes, i typically get 3 copies. it would be nice not to.
> > >
> > >--
> > >David Hassell
> > >National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
> > >Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
> > >Earley Gate, PO Box 243,
> > >Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
> > >
> > >Tel : 0118 3785613
> > >Fax : 0118 3788316
> > >E-mail: d.c.hassell at reading.ac.uk
> > >_______________________________________________
> > >CF-metadata mailing list
> > >CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> > >http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > CF-metadata mailing list
> > CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> > http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
> --
> David Hassell
> National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
> Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
> Earley Gate, PO Box 243,
> Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
> Tel : 0118 3785613
> Fax : 0118 3788316
> E-mail: d.c.hassell at reading.ac.uk
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
Received on Tue Jun 26 2012 - 08:21:42 BST

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