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[CF-metadata] New names for CF

From: Simon Tett <simon.tett>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 15:12:53 +0100

Dear all,
        I would like to suggest some new names for CF. They are related to
radiative forcing and are:


which are the adjusted radiative forcing at the tropopause, the
instanteous radiaitive forcing and the SW and LW components of the
adjusted forcing.
Radiative forcing is a very useful concept in climate modelling -- see
the TAR and earlier assesments. HadCM3 (with some tweaking) can diagnose
these so it would be useful if they could be in the standard names

many thanks for your consideration.


Dr Simon Tett  Managing Scientist, Data development and applications.
Met Office   Hadley Centre  Climate Prediction and Research
London Road   Bracknell    Berkshire   RG12 2SY   United Kingdom 
Tel: +44 (0)1344 856886   Fax: +44 (0)1344 854898 
E-mail: simon.tett at metoffice.com   http://www.metoffice.com
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