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[CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] standard name question - "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"

From: Tom Whittaker <whittaker>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:43:28 -0500

Randy --

This is a tough question, since there is a lack of detail in most of
the "standard_name" entries that I looked at. It seems to me that
what you want to do is to make certain that the user of the data
understands exactly what was taken into account (and what was
not)...which tells me this does not have to be a "machine readable"
description. I see a few possible options:

1. create a new standard_name which clarifies these matters
2. modify the current one (if appropriate...?)
3. use either the long_name or the "comment" to provide the particulars

Also, your question about who (or what programs) might be currently
using this is probably impossible to answer -- but I would bet at
least the person who made the entry initially and perhaps they can be

I hope this helps get others to provide some input on this issue...


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Randy Horne <rhorne at excaliburlabs.com> wrote:
> Folks:
> I am working the GOES-R program. ?We have a few very specific questions on
> the use of a standard name (toa_bidirectional_reflectance):
> The top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance is a key product from satellite
> observations but is
> often ambiguous?as a result of the many non-standard definitions used
> throughout the
> community. The CF?standard name table includes
> "toa_bidirectional_reflectance" as a unitless
> quantity that is the?ratio of the reflected to incident energy. However, the
> details of this
> quantity are not?completely clear.
> (1)
> Does it include an integration of solid angle - i.e.,?introducing a factor
> of?PI for Lambertian surface? Does it include or exclude the cosine
> (SZA)?factor that is often?omitted from imagery (and that allows? a direct
> scaling from radiance to
> reflectance)?
> (2) What?programs have already adopted the "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"
> and?how can one ensure?that the convention is being used consistently with
> respect to the above?questions?
> very respectfully,
> randy
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Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI? 53706? USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759
Received on Wed Jun 27 2012 - 08:43:28 BST

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