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[CF-metadata] What do models assume for the shape of the Earth?

From: Bryan Lawrence <b.n.lawrence>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 08:58:28 +0100

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 08:07, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> ... but I guess this number is probably separately specified rather
> than computed by the model. Again its precise value is unlikely to be
> critical.
... and from a comparison with GIS data, probably irrelevant. From our playing
with the GIS community there is such a scale disconnect (at the moment), that
sphericity and ellipsoidal issues with grid boxes scales of tens if not
hundreds of km just don't matter ...

Having said that, one day they will (maybe as mesoscale models are at the km
resolution now, they already are), so it's a great idea to be asking the
question now. So it's not so much does the information get recorded, but if
we did, where would we put it?


Bryan Lawrence
Head, NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre
Director, CCLRC/Environmental Data Archival and Associated Research
badc.nerc.ac.uk, home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence, +44 1235 445012
(CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX)
Received on Tue Apr 05 2005 - 01:58:28 BST

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