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[CF-metadata] [CF-NetCDF-1.0.swg] Questionnaire on CF-netCDF enhancements for EO (ESA Prod-trees project)

From: Jon Blower <j.d.blower>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:01:17 +0000

Hi Lorenzo,

Has this gone to the CF mailing list itself (i.e. cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>)?

Cheers, Jon

From: cf-netcdf-1.0.swg-bounces+j.d.blower=reading.ac.uk at lists.opengeospatial.org [mailto:cf-netcdf-1.0.swg-bounces+j.d.blower=reading.ac.uk at lists.opengeospatial.org] On Behalf Of Lorenzo Bigagli
Sent: 30 January 2013 09:21
To: CF-netCDF SWG; ess.dwg at lists.opengeospatial.org
Cc: Sabina Di Franco
Subject: [CF-NetCDF-1.0.swg] Questionnaire on CF-netCDF enhancements for EO (ESA Prod-trees project)

Dear Colleague, (apologies for cross posting)

as announced at the Redlands TC Meeting, the Prod-trees ESA-ESRIN Project (https://wiki.services.eoportal.org/tiki-index.php?page=PRODTREES) is getting underway.

The objective of the Prod-trees project is to propose extensions of the current CF?netCDF standard with descriptive metadata, compliant with state?of?the?art ontologies, develop and extend supporting libraries and tools, and demonstrate the outcome in a semantically-enabled EO products search platform.

One of the key activity expected in the project is to explore user requirements and examine specific use cases for a State-of-the-Art analysis and the identification of gaps. To collect information on these issues we need your collaboration and expertise.

Please find a questionnaire at the URL http://goo.gl/CaElT.

The questionnaire is only 5 questions long, so it will not take a lot of your time to fill it.

If you prefer you will find here enclosed the Prod-trees questionnaire as a .doc file that you could fill and return to Dr. Sabina Di Franco (difranco at iia.cnr.it<mailto:difranco at iia.cnr.it>).

Please consider that the deadline to collect the answers is very close, on February 15th, so we kindly ask you to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.

If you have any further questions, please contact us and if you are interested in the survey results, we invite you to insert your mail in the form to be added to the project mailing list.

Your reply will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

  Paolo Mazzetti

  Sabina Di Franco


Paolo Mazzetti


Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research - National Research Council of Italy

Earth and Space Science Informatics Laboratory (ESSI-Lab)

c/o PIN S.c.r.l - Piazza Ciardi 25 - 59100 Prato (PO) - Italy

Phone: +39 0574 602523

Cell: +39 338 6582380

Fax: +39 0574 602524

Email: paolo.mazzetti at cnr.it<mailto:paolo.mazzetti at cnr.it>

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