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[CF-metadata] axis attribute

From: Simon Wood <simon.wood>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:55:35 +1300


So to provide a concrete example, would the following correctly reflect
what you are suggesting?

   time = 1;
   nx = 5008; ny = 5536;

   // coordinate variables
   float time(time);

   float nx(nx);
         nx:standard_name = ?projection_x_coordinate?;
         nx:units = ?km?;
         nx:axis = ?X?; // ###

   float ny(ny);
         ny:standard_name = ?projection_y_coordinate?;
         ny:units = ?km?;
         ny:axis = ?Y?; // ###

   float lat(ny, nx);
         lat:standard_name = ?latitude?;
         lat:units = ?degrees_north?;

   float lon(ny, nx);
         lon:standard_name = ?longitude?;
         lon:units = ?degrees_east?;

   // observation data
   float sst(time, ny, nx);
         sst:standard_name = ?sea_surface_temperature?;
         sst:coordinates = ?lat lon?;

This makes the most sense to me, although I suspect it is not what
others are suggesting...



Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear All
> I've argued so far in favour of restricting axis X and Y to 1D lon and lat
> coord variables. Now I'd like to argue the alternative of generalising them
> to be used with any 1D horizontal coord variables i.e. removing the exclusion
> that they can't be used for rotated lon and lat.
> For 1D lon and lat, the axis attribute is still redundant while we adhere to
> COARDS, because such coord vars must be identifiable by units (and can
> optionally also be identified by standard name). However for other horizontal
> coordinates the axis attribute is not redundant if generalised. It tells you
> that this axis is a horizontal axis. If you had some non-spatiotemporal
> axes e.g. realization or land cover type, it might be useful to be told which
> of the axes are the horizontal coordinates, since this is not easy to deduce
> from the standard names without some intelligence. Is it useful to know?
> I think the choice of X and Y is arbitrary. Both of them indicate horizontal,
> and the only difference is a preferred choice for plotting, I imagine. Rotated
> lon is not necessarily X, for instance, if the pole is tipped over a long way.
> I would not favour allowing X and Y on 2D aux coord variables. I think that
> in cases where there are 2D horizontal aux coord variables, the X and Y
> designations still properly belong to the 1D axes e.g. the projection coords.
> Because these axes are thus designated, you can tell which 2D coord vars are
> horizontal; they have dimensions belonging to axes which are labelled with
> X and Y. Perhaps we should make it mandatory to attach standard_names of
> longitude and latitude to 2D auxiliary lon and lat variables so that they can
> be easily identified as such.
> Cheers
> Jonathan
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Simon Wood
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, NZ	
simon.wood at niwa.co.nz
Received on Wed Nov 22 2006 - 13:55:35 GMT

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