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[CF-metadata] New standard names for NEMO ocean model output

From: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk <alison.pamment>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:30:01 +0000

Dear Sebastien,

I have been discussing these names again off-list with the proposer Kevin Marsh over the last few days. I think we are making good progress and I am doing some more work on the definitions of the names. I will post a summary of progress on all these names within the next day or so. Thanks for looking at the names again.

Best wishes,

Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
Centre for Environmental Data Analysis Email: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
R25, 2.22
Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-bounces at cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of
> Sebastien Villaume
> Sent: 30 March 2017 09:08
> To: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] New standard names for NEMO ocean model output
> Hi all,
> I would like to reactivate this specific thread in order to reach an agreement
> and get these standard names accepted and published in the next version of
> the table.
> I went through the whole thread and updated each proposed standard name
> according to the comments/suggestions made (please see below).
> I have also added two new standard names: one to deprecate an existing
> standard name that is not following the usual naming convention
> (integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_in_ocean_layer_exp
> ressed_as_heat_content) and one derived from it to cover the whole sea water
> column case. It is the last two of the list below.
> Since I am not an ocean model expert and in particular not a NEMO expert/user,
> I am welcoming any relevant comments/suggestions, especially from the NEMO
> community.
> thanks
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> somixhgt
> standard name:
> ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_threshold
> (originally proposed as ocean_turbocline_depth)
> units:
> m
> description:
> The mixed layer thickness is estimated using the depth at which the vertical
> eddy diffusivity coefficient (resulting from the vertical physics alone) fall below
> a given value defined locally. A coordinate variable or scalar coordinate
> variable with standard name ocean_vertical_diffusivity can be specified to
> indicate the value of the coefficient that was used to calculate the mixed layer
> thickness.
> other action to take (suggested by Jonathan Gregory):
> rename the existing the standard
> name??ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
> which refers to the level at which the diffusivity differs from its surface value by
> a certain amount, as
> ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_deficit
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> sobpheig
> standard name:
> sea_water_mass_per_unit_area_expressed_as_thickness
> (originally proposed as bottom_pressure_equivalent_height)
> units:
> m
> description:
> This is the mass of the water column expressed as a thickness using a given
> reference density:
> sea_water_mass_per_unit_area_expressed_as_thickness = (
> sea_water_mass_per_unit_area / sea_water_density )
> The thickness is the extent of a vertical column or layer. The sea water density
> used to do the conversion is assumed to be the density of water of standard
> temperature T=0?C and practical salinity S=35.0. Otherwise it should be
> provided as an auxiliary scalar using the standard name sea_water_density.
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> sostheig
> standard name:
> ocean_steric_thickness
> (originally proposed as ocean_steric_height)
> units:
> m
> description:
> The ocean steric thickness measures the height by which a column of water
> with standard temperature T=0?C and salinity S=35.0 expands if its temperature
> and salinity are changed to the observed values.
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> vosthsal
> standard name:
> ocean_halosteric_thickness
> (originally proposed as ocean_steric_thickness_due_to_salinity)
> units:
> m
> description:
> The quantity with standard name ocean_halosteric_thickness is a measure of
> the change in thickness that would be undergone by a column of water of
> standard temperature T=0?C and practical salinity S=35.0 if its salinity were
> changed to the locally observed value. Thickness is the extent of a vertical
> column or layer.
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> vosthtem
> standard name:
> ocean_thermosteric_thickness
> (originally proposed as ocean_steric_thickness_due_to_temperature)
> units:
> m
> description:
> The quantity with standard name ocean_thermosteric_thickness is a measure
> of the change in thickness that would be undergone by a column of water of
> standard temperature T=0?C and practical salinity S=35.0 if its temperature
> were changed to the locally observed value. Thickness is the extent of a vertical
> column or layer.
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> vottrdmp
> standard name:
> ratio_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_anomaly_to_relaxation_timescale
> (originally proposed as temperature_profile_anomaly_correction)
> units:
> K s-1
> description:
> This term is estimated as the deviation of the local sea water potential
> temperature from an ocean model with respect to an observation-based
> climatology (eg World Ocean Database) weighted by a user-specified
> relaxation coefficient in s-1 (1/(relaxation timescale)).
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> vostrdmp
> standard name:
> ratio_of_sea_water_practical_salinity_anomaly_to_relaxation_timescale
> (originally proposed as practical_salinity_profile_anomaly_correction)
> units:
> s-1
> description:
> This term is estimated as the deviation of the local sea water practical salinity
> from an ocean model with respect to an observation-based climatology (eg
> World Ocean Database) weighted by a user-specified relaxation coefficient in
> s-1 (1/(relaxation timescale)).
> ====================
> NEMO variables:
> sosal300, sosal700
> standard name:
> integral_of_sea_water_practical_salinity_wrt_depth_in_ocean_layer
> (originally proposed as integral_of_sea_water_practical_salinity_wrt_depth)
> units:
> 1
> description:
> This quantity is calculated as the integral, of the sea water salinity with respect
> to depth, over the specified layer of the ocean from the surface to the level
> indicated by the vertical coordinate or scalar coordinate variable.
> "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for
> X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. "wrt" means "with respect to".
> "Layer" means any layer with upper and lower boundaries that have constant
> values in some vertical coordinate. There must be a vertical coordinate variable
> indicating the extent of the layer(s). If the layers are model layers, the vertical
> coordinate can be model_level_number, but it is recommended to specify a
> physical coordinate (in a scalar or auxiliary coordinate variable) as well. Depth
> is the vertical distance below the surface.
> ====================
> NEMO variable:
> sosalbtm
> standard name:
> ocean_integral_of_sea_water_practical_salinity_wrt_depth
> (originally proposed as
> integral_of_sea_water_practical_salinity_wrt_total_depth)
> units:
> 1
> description:
> This quantity is calculated as the integral, of the sea water salinity, over of the
> ocean from the sea surface to the sea bed. "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y
> dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the
> integral as bounds. "wrt" means "with respect to". "Layer" means any layer with
> upper and lower boundaries that have constant values in some vertical
> coordinate. There must be a vertical coordinate variable indicating the extent of
> the layer(s). If the layers are model layers, the vertical coordinate can be
> model_level_number, but it is recommended to specify a physical coordinate (in
> a scalar or auxiliary coordinate variable) as well. Depth is the vertical distance
> below the surface.
> ====================
> NEMO variables:
> sohtc300, sohtc700
> standard name:
> integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_in_ocean_layer_expr
> essed_as_heat_content
> (already in the CF standard name table but should be deprecated because it
> does not follow usual naming convention, i.e. missing ?in_ocean_layer?)
> units:
> J m-2
> description:
> This quantity is calculated as the integral, of the potential temperature with
> respect to depth, expressed as heat content, over the specified layer of the
> ocean from the surface to the level indicated by the vertical coordinate or
> scalar coordinate variable. "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data
> variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as
> bounds. "wrt" means "with respect to". "Layer" means any layer with upper and
> lower boundaries that have constant values in some vertical coordinate. There
> must be a vertical coordinate variable indicating the extent of the layer(s). If
> the layers are model layers, the vertical coordinate can be
> model_level_number, but it is recommended to specify a physical coordinate (in
> a scalar or auxiliary coordinate variable) as well. Depth is the vertical distance
> below the surface.
> other action to take:
> deprecate
> integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_
> content and set an alias to the new standard name.
> =====================
> NEMO variable:
> sohtcbtm
> standard name:
> ocean_integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as
> _heat_content
> units:
> J m-2
> description:
> This quantity is calculated as the integral, of the potential temperature with
> respect to depth, expressed as heat content, over of the ocean from the sea
> surface to the sea bed. "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable
> should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. "wrt"
> means "with respect to". "Layer" means any layer with upper and lower
> boundaries that have constant values in some vertical coordinate. There must
> be a vertical coordinate variable indicating the extent of the layer(s). If the
> layers are model layers, the vertical coordinate can be model_level_number,
> but it is recommended to specify a physical coordinate (in a scalar or auxiliary
> coordinate variable) as well. Depth is the vertical distance below the surface.
> =====================
> ____________________________________
> Dr. S?bastien Villaume
> Analyst
> ECMWF Shinfield Park,
> Reading RG2 9AX, UK
> +44 7825 521592
> sebastien.villaume at ecmwf.int
> ____________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
Received on Thu Mar 30 2017 - 03:30:01 BST

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