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[CF-metadata] CF-1.0 registration of new names for SST

From: Craig Donlon <craig.donlon>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 14:26:41 +0100

Hi Alison:
Thanks for this - your modifications are fine and thanks for the help with
Take care

2008/5/9 Pamment, JA (Alison) <J.A.Pamment at rl.ac.uk>:

> Dear Craig,
> Thanks for your reply. I too am very pleased that agreement has been
> reached.
> I think your descriptions of sea_surface_skin_temperature and
> sea_surface_subskin_temperature are fine and can go into the table without
> further modification.
> The explanation of sea_surface_foundation_temperature is necessarily rather
> more complex than those of the other quantities (in fact, I think it has the
> longest description of any name in the table!). Many thanks for reviewing
> it with the GHRSST team. I agree that your version is clearer and has a
> more logical ordering of the information, which first establishes the
> definition of the physical quantity before discussing measurement techniques
> and relationships to other SST quantities. In the following I have
> suggested two or three further modifications, which I hope you agree are
> small and aimed at enhancing clarity and readability, rather than
> substantively altering the content.
> sea_surface_foundation_temperature
> The surface called "surface" is defined as the lower boundary of the
> atmosphere. The sea surface foundation temperature is the water temperature
> that is not influenced by a thermally stratified layer of diurnal
> temperature variability (either by daytime warming or nocturnal cooling).
> The foundation temperature is named to indicate that it is the temperature
> from which the growth of the diurnal thermocline develops each day, noting
> that on some occasions with a deep mixed layer there is no clear foundation
> temperature in the surface layer. In general, sea surface foundation
> temperature will be similar to a night time minimum or pre-dawn value at
> depths of between approximately 1 and 5 meters. In the absence of any
> diurnal signal, the foundation temperature is considered equivalent to the
> quantity with standard name sea_surface_subskin_temperature. The sea surface
> foundation temperature defines a level in the upper water column that varies
> in depth, space, and time depending on the local balance between thermal
> stratification and turbulent energy and is expected to change slowly over
> the course of a day. If possible, a data variable with the standard name
> sea_surface_foundation_temperature should be used with a scalar vertical
> coordinate variable to specify the depth of the foundation level.
> Sea surface foundation temperature is measured at the base of the diurnal
> thermocline or as close to the water surface as possible in the absence of
> thermal stratification. Only in situ contact thermometry is able to measure
> the sea surface foundation temperature. Analysis procedures must be used to
> estimate sea surface foundation temperature value from radiometric satellite
> measurements of the quantities with standard names
> sea_surface_skin_temperature and sea_surface_subskin_temperature. Sea
> surface foundation temperature provides a connection with the historical
> concept of a "bulk" sea surface temperature considered representative of the
> oceanic mixed layer temperature that is typically represented by any sea
> temperature measurement within the upper ocean over a depth range of 1 to
> approximately 20 meters. The general term, "bulk" sea surface temperature,
> has the standard name sea_surface_temperature with no associated vertical
> coordinate axis. Sea surface foundation temperature provides a more precise,
> well-defined quantity than "bulk" sea surface temperature and, consequently,
> is more representative of the mixed layer temperature. The temperature of
> sea water at a particular depth (other than the foundation level) should be
> reported using the standard name sea_water_temperature and, wherever
> possible, supplying a vertical coordinate axis or scalar coordinate
> variable.
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> > Hello Alison and everyone:
> >
> > There are several GHRSST-PP science Team members and Oceanographers
> > with me at the WMO CLIMAR-III Conference in Poland this week and we
> > have reviewed the descriptive text you have prepared for the SST
> > standard names. We agree with the standard names. We agree with the
> > definitions you have but propose a revised text which we believe is a
> > little clearer. I hope that you find this aceptable and thank you for
> > all your effort and support over the last 10 months or so. I am
> > extremely pleased that we have reached a conclusion and we will finally
> > enter the CF namespace
> >
> > Take care
> > Craig
> >
> > Standard names:
> > surface_temperature
> > sea_water_temperature (for temperatures at depth)
> > sea_surface_skin_temperature
> > sea_surface_subskin_temperature
> > sea_surface_foundation_temperature
> > Description for standard names
> > sea_surface_skin_temperature:
> > The surface called "surface" defines the lower boundary of the
> > atmosphere. The sea surface skin temperature is the temperature
> > measured by an infrared radiometer typically operating at wavelengths
> > in the range 3.7 - 12 micrometers. It represents the temperature within
> > the conductive diffusion-dominated sub-layer at a depth of
> > approximately 10 - 20 micrometers below the air-sea interface.
> > Measurements of this quantity are subject to a large potential diurnal
> > cycle including cool skin layer effects (especially at night under
> > clear skies and low wind speed conditions) and warm layer effects in
> > the daytime.
> >
> > sea_surface_subskin_temperature:
> > The surface called "surface" defines the lower boundary of the
> > atmosphere. The sea surface subskin temperature is the temperature at
> > the base of the conductive laminar sub-layer of the ocean surface, that
> > is, at a depth of approximately 1 - 1.5 millimetres below the air-sea
> > interface. For practical purposes, this quantity can be well
> > approximated to the measurement of surface temperature by a microwave
> > radiometer operating in the 6 - 11 gigahertz frequency range, but the
> > relationship is neither direct nor invariant to changing physical
> > conditions or to the specific geometry of the microwave measurements.
> > Measurements of this quantity are subject to a large potential diurnal
> > cycle due to thermal stratification of the upper ocean layer in low
> > wind speed high solar irradiance conditions..
> >
> > sea_surface_foundation_temperature:
> > The surface called "surface" is defined as the lower boundary of the
> > atmosphere. The sea surface foundation temperature is the water
> > temperature that is not influenced by a thermally stratified layer of
> > diurnal temperature variability (either by daytime warming or nocturnal
> > cooling). The foundation temperature is named to indicate that it is
> > the temperature from which the growth of the diurnal thermocline
> > develops each day, noting that on some occasions with a deep mixed
> > layer there is no clear foundation temperature in the surface layer. In
> > general, sea surface foundation temperature will be similar to a night
> > time minimum or pre-dawn value at depths of between approximately 1 and
> > 5 meters. In the absence of any diurnal signal, the foundation
> > temperature is considered equivalent to the quantity with standard name
> > sea_surface_subskin_temperature. The sea surface foundation temperature
> > defines a level in the upper water column that varies in depth, space,
> > and time depending on the local balance between thermal stratification
> > and turbulent energy and is expected to change slowly over the course
> > of a day. If possible, sea_surface_foundation_temperature should use a
> > data variable with a vertical coordinate axis to specify the depth of
> > the foundation level.
> > Sea surface foundation temperature is measured at the base of the
> > diurnal thermocline or as close to the water surface as possible in the
> > absence of thermal stratification. Only in situ contact thermometry is
> > able to measure the sea surface foundation temperature (reporting the
> > temperature of sea water at a particular depth using the standard name
> > sea_water_temperature and when possible including a data variable with
> > a vertical coordinate axis). Analysis procedures must be used to
> > estimate sea surface foundation temperature value from radiometric
> > satellite measurements of the quantities with standard names
> > sea_surface_skin_temperature and sea_surface_subskin_temperature. Sea
> > surface foundation temperature provides a connection with the
> > historical concept of a "bulk" sea surface temperature considered
> > representative of the oceanic mixed layer temperature that is typically
> > represented by any sea temperature measurement within the upper ocean
> > over a depth range of 1 to approximately 20 meters. The general term
> > "bulk" SST is linked to the standard name sea_surface_temperature
> > without a vertical coordinate axis. Sea surface foundation temperature
> > provides a more precise, well-defined quantity than "bulk" SST and,
> > consequently, is more representative of the mixed layer temperature.
> >
> > --
> > Dr Craig Donlon
> > Director of the International GODAE SST Pilot Project Office
> > Met Office Hadley Centre,
> > Fitzroy Road, Exeter, EX1 3PB United Kingdom
> >
> > Tel: +44 (0)1392 886622 Mob:07920 235750
> > Fax:+44 (0)1392 885681
> > Skype ID:crazit
> > SkypeIn: +44 0141 416 0882
> > E-mail: craig.donlon at gmail.com
> > http://www.ghrsst-pp.org
> ------
> Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
> NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre Fax: +44 1235 446314
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Email: J.A.Pamment at rl.ac.uk
> Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

Dr Craig Donlon
Director of the International GODAE SST Pilot Project Office
Met Office Hadley Centre,
Fitzroy Road, Exeter, EX1 3PB United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1392 886622 Mob:07920 235750
Fax:+44 (0)1392 885681
Skype ID:crazit
SkypeIn: +44 0141 416 0882
E-mail: craig.donlon at gmail.com
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