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[CF-metadata] [UDUNITS #UVU-592022]: information

From: Unidata UDUNITS Support <support-udunits>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 09:17:21 -0600


> I've notice I made a type mistake in the previuos mail! this is my
> "correct question":
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm creating a netcdf for Chlorophyll data. Usually oceanographic file
> were in hdf and chlorophyll is expressed in "micro Kilogram" that is
> 1e-06 kg also known as milligram (usually named: mg).

Ah! That's better. :-)

> As I must be compliant with CF convention,
> I need to be sure to put the right name for "micro
> Kilogram"="milligram" into the netcdf file.
> I installed the UDUNITS-2 package our workstation and using udunits2 I obtain:
> udunits2: Using default XML database
> You have: microkg
> You want: kg
> 1 microkg = 1e-06 kg
> x/kg = 1e-06*(x/microkg)
> You have: mg
> You want: kg
> 1 mg = 1e-06 kg
> x/kg = 1e-06*(x/mg)
> So....the question is:
> 1) Is it correct to use both "microKg" and "mg" for 1e-06 kg

"microkg" mixes a spelled-out prefix (micro) with a symbol (kg), which is not good.

> 2) does it exist any alias?
> 3) up to your experience which is the most used?

I strongly suggest using "milligram" because of its clarity.

> Thanks in advance
> Cristina tronconi
> p.s.
> We don't want to change our data in order to use "kg".

If I understand correctly, then if you set the unit attribute to "milligram", then you shouldn't have to change the data.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cristina Tronconi
> Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - sezione di Roma
> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
> Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100
> 00133 Roma, Italy
> Tel: +39 06 49934342
> cell: '39 349 1242954
> Fax: +39 06 20660291
> e-mail: cristina.tronconi at artov.isac.cnr.it

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UVU-592022
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
Received on Tue Mar 23 2010 - 09:17:21 GMT

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