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[CF-metadata] How to express a non-station time series in CF

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:12:40 -0800

Hi Don,

For simply bounded regions (e.g., a lat-lon "rectangle") over which a
quantity is averaged, you can include singleton dimensions with
coordinate values (located somewhere in the "box") and bounds defining
the "box" edge and cell_methods indicating that it's a mean over the
region. You can also indicate whether it is only a mean over the ocean
portion of the region, for example.


On 11/21/13 7:52 AM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
> Hi-
> There are several groups out there that create time series of various
> climate indicies (e.g. NINO3.4, NAO, MEI, etc) usually stored as ASCII
> text. These time series don't necessarily have a "location", but some
> may encompass a region (e.g. NINO3.4 has a bounding box).
> If one wanted to store this in a netCDF file, is there a CF convention
> for such a beast? It looks like it's similar to the DSG "Single time
> series, including deviations from a nominal fixed spatial location"
> (Appendix H.2.3) without the fixed spatial location. Is the location
> information required for a timeSeries featureType?
> Thanks for any info you could provide.
> Don

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