That would work for me
Kristopher Bedka
Senior Research Scientist
Science Systems & Applications, Inc. _at_ NASA Langley Research Center
Climate Science Branch
1 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 200
Hampton, VA 23666
Primary Office Phone: (757) 864-5798
Secondary Office Phone: (757) 951-1920
Fax: (757) 951-1902
kristopher.m.bedka at
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at>
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:53 PM
To: "cf-metadata at" <cf-metadata at>
Subject: [CF-metadata] standard name request for a satellite pixel-level
cloud mask
Dear Kris
cloud_binary_mask would be exactly the right standard name, I think, as Jim
> We are detecting cloudy and clear sky pixels using a combination passive
>infrared and visible satellite imagery. The community typically calls
>this product a "cloud mask", i.e. byte value 0=clear sky pixel, 1=cloudy
>pixel. I am reviewing the CF Standard Name table and I see no name that
>would correspond to this type of product. I see the name
>"cloud_area_fraction", but the concept of "fraction" would imply that one
>considers several pixels in a region and computes the ratio of cloudy
>pixels relative to the total number of pixels in the region. This is
>not being done with our processing. I'd recommend something like
>"cloudy_satellite_pixel_detection", but am open to other suggestions
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Received on Tue Feb 18 2014 - 10:54:57 GMT