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[CF-metadata] Proposal for standard names: tropospheric trace gas column amounts

From: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk <alison.pamment>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 12:22:38 +0000

Dear Andreas,

Thank you! The following names are now accepted for inclusion in the standard name table and will be added at the next update (planned for this week):

stratosphere_mole_content_of_nitrogen_dioxide (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_nitrogen_dioxide (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_glyoxal (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_formaldehyde (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_iodine_monoxide (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_bromine_monoxide (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide (mol m-2)
troposphere_mole_content_of_ozone (mol m-2).

This week I will also request the addition of 'molecule' to UDUNITS.

Best wishes,

Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre Email: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
R25, 2.22
Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Hilboll [mailto:lists at hilboll.de]
> Sent: 18 March 2013 13:05
> To: Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
> Cc: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard names: tropospheric trace
> gas column amounts
> I'm fine with using "mol m-2" in the standard name table. It's better
> than not having the trace gases in there at all.
> > If we can get molecule added as a unit to UDUNITS along the lines
> suggested by Sander earlier in the discussion, then I think you could use
> molecules cm-2 in your files and we could still have mol m-2 as the
> canonical unit.
> > Sander Niemeijer wrote:
> >>
> >> <unit>
> >> <def>mol/6.02214179e23</def>
> >> <name>
> >> <singular>molecule</singular>
> >> <plural>molecules</plural>
> >> </name>
> >> <aliases>
> >> <name><singular>molec</singular></name>
> >> </aliases>
> >> </unit>
> >
> > If you are happy for us to proceed down this route then I think the names
> could be accepted now and added to the standard name table with
> canonical units of mol m-2. I will then send a request to ask if molecules can
> be added to UDUNITS (although I'm not sure of the time scale for adding the
> new unit). Would that be an acceptable way forward?
> Sure, go ahead. If I can do anything to get molecules into UDUNITS,
> please let me know (like if you need another vote or so).
> Thanks!
> Andreas.

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