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[CF-metadata] What do models assume for the shape of the Earth?

From: Rich Signell <rsignell>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 13:50:49 -0400

Karl Taylor wrote:

> What would be important to know as models go to higher resolutions is
> how the topography is specified in the model. My understanding is that
> modelers simply transfer the latitude/longitude locations of
> topographical features and surface characteristics from the
> non-spherical earth to his idealized spherical model earth without
> correction.

Our coastal hydrodynamic models have horizontal grid resolutions down to a few
meters. When we ingest lon,lat topography points, we are *very* careful of
where they came from. We just had to convert a bunch of longitude and latitute
points from the Croatian national charts because they used a Bessell ellipsoid,
which had resulted in a 200 m offset from the rest of our WGS84-ellipsoid
lon,lat topography data.


Richard P. Signell           rsignell at usgs.gov
U.S. Geological Survey       Phone: (508) 457-2229
384 Woods Hole Road          Fax:   (508) 457-2310
Woods Hole, MA  02543-1598
Received on Thu Apr 07 2005 - 11:50:49 BST

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